hello mason, it's your good friend zelma

i meant to type this a while back but i was busy shitposting and doing other things.

i am writing this because despite your various meltdowns over the years i see similarities between us and besides maybe 2-3 other members you are the only other user i've known since maybe 2008-09. we have history. so when I read your posts initially i just skimmed them and brushed them off cause why wouldnt i wtf. nerd posts crying about forum online. pretty based. then i read them a little later it made me a little sad(not you screaming at night though. i actually lold irl over that). so i want to offer you some empathy. because ik youre going to see this.

this place (and probably to some degree, MFGG) means/meant a lot to you at one point. it did for most of us i imagine. we were all stupid teenagers/young adults going through things and this was a nice safe haven where we could just be nerds and have fun. but we are no longer those same teenagers/young adults and the internet isn't the same kind of place it was even in 2019. and as time goes on it becomes harder to mend fractured relationships, especially with people who...well i mean really didn't want to do so with you in the first place. but dont get it confused, it becomes harder to really post at all regularly the more responsibilities stack up.

when you say you "really miss us" i think you really miss the time period in which you were posting here, and I can't blame you. They were probably simplier times.However, those times are gone, and they won't ever come back. Additionally, you can't ever erase what you've done here, it is what it is. the active userbase consists of maybe 10 people on an extremely busy day and all except maybe 1 remember you..negatively. The best thing you can do is move on and try to live a life you can be proud of. in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter. youll be fine.

i heard you were told you could try to come back under a new identity but if im being real you just have too much of a one-of-a-kind personality to not be caught. it's a good trait, all i've done my entire posting history is rip-off people who were funnier than me so you should be proud of that. but that also means you cant really reinvent yourself which might sound sad at first but be happy, you can use that energy and apply it elsewhere.

it'll be hard at first but keep yourself busy, try new hobbies, if you want to workout then workout or..idk youtube has tutorials for eveyrthing. try to become a better person and maybe one day you can start a positive community of your own. When we're down on our own lives it's easy to laugh at other people who are seemingly worse off, so don't take some of the people making fun of you personal. of course you include myself in that too.

i can't offer you friendship. not because im still hung up on whatever you did but because your madoka pacifer avi creeped me out and i still dont really know where tf you found that or why you created it. i went on rant about it in the discord but i was partially drunk. so just add that to the 5% of shit that i remember about you.

if all this falls on deaf ears and you really do decide to try and come back under a new persona i recommend the name Mythra or Zelma2.

anyway i think youll make it out of this rut eventually. its never too late.
i promise you're not messing out on much here.
good luck and get well soon.
Fun With Despair
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