Some interesting lessons to learn from Miyamoto Musashi

Hey everyone, hope you're all having a fine day.

As always, whenever I come across or invent new posting teks or general metagame tactics, I'll either use them In The Flesh for a while and enjoy monopoly over them until they become Out Of Meta, or, in the interest of nurturing talent that can provide me with sufficiently engaging competition, immediately license them under Creative Commons BY and share them as an Open Source Tek with everyone. Today, the latter is going to happen as I began reading a book called The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi. it's a war tactics/martial arts book that I believe has great relevance to the MW metagame. here are a few quotes that you can use to reflect on your own performance.

Quote:The way to do battle is the same whether it is a battle between one individual and another or a battle between one army and another. You should observe reflectively, with overall awareness of the large picture as well as precise attention to small details.
The large scale is easy to see; the small scale is hard to see. To be specific, it is impossible to reverse the direction of a large group of people all at once, while the small scale is hard to know because in the case of an individual there is just one will involved and changes can be made quickly. This should be given careful consideration.

Quote:When your life is on the line, you want to make use of all your tools. No warrior should be willing to die with their sword at their side, without having made use of their tools. However, when you hold something with both hands, you cannot wield it freely both right and left; my purpose is to get you used to wielding the long sword with one hand.


The long sword seems heavy and unwieldy to everyone at first, but everything is like that when you first take it up: a bow is hard to draw, a halberd is hard to swing. In any case, when you become accustomed to each weapon, you become stronger at the bow, and you acquire the ability to wield the long sword. So when you attain the power of the way, it becomes easy to handle.

Quote:To swing the long sword with great velocity is not the right way.

Seems to me that the long sword of samurai is very similar to the keyboard of people on a mario message board

Quote:You should not have any special fondness for a particular weapon, or anything else, for that matter. Too much is the same as not enough. Without imitating anyone else, you should have as much weaponry as suits you. To entertain likes and dislikes is bad for both commanders and soldiers. Pragmatic thinking is essential.

Quote:The way to win in a battle according to military science is to know the rhythms of the specific opponents, and use rhythms that your opponents do not expect, producing formless rhythms from rhythms of wisdom.

This next one is really great for the Lurker class

Quote:There is even rhythm in being empty.

That's all for now, I hope you got something out of this post. I will post more gems as I progress through the book.
"If Your Plate Doesn't Have Any Beef On It, Send It Back To The Hecking Cafeteria!!!" - OracularRELOADED
But hey, that's just a theory...a #metagametheory
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