Ayyyyyyyyy it's time

>Exit my room; it's foggy af out here

>Was thinking about goth girls and shit then i passed out

>Got back up and swore i saw a fuckin suit of ARMOR in the fog

>Walk out 2F left side and see spritey on top of rubble shit piss where the trophy case is

>This is some bullshit

>Go into kitchen and the fucking silvare is gone; Make my protein shake anyway

>See Fun With Gay Bwoys pass me with scissors in his hand probably making some yaoi poster

>He's going to the top hall

>I gotta go there too

>Going thru 2F on right side

>Wasn't there a pistol here? that shit is gone


>Go into Rec room

>Fun with Gay Bwoys is once again here playing Mario Kart. And not the good one. The one with Pac Man and shit.

>Turn my attention to the fuckin ARCADE MACHINE THAT GOT SHOT; with a drink on top

>Two-Fingr is there as well now

>Whatever; I Play an actual good game( CALL OF DUTY) and 2F leaves with the drank

>Go to bed

That's my story mates
DISCORD: I want to check if the shard Two left by the library is still there
You inspect the BOOK STACK. Lifting it up, you find ELYK'S SHIRT and ONE GLASS SHARD.
DISCORD: is there still a shard in sp's room
You inspect PRUNE FAIRY'S ROOM. You do not find a GLASS SHARD, other than the one stuck in PEA.
[Image: s2n7oi.png]
I wake up and head to the hall, finding it full of fog
go to sprite's room and drag his ass to the trophy case
it's been exploded and some glass is missing among other things, so I just toss spritey inside
take elevator and go to party room, grabbing elyks shirt
chill out in the art room to make an attempt on anyone that enters
FWD comes in but I fuck up and run off
at the stack of books outside the library, I jam the glass shard I had and elyk's shirt under them
I head up the stairs and come out on 2F to see one pistol missing from the pile and the peacans stacked
I grab a taser from the locker anfd then suddenly pea comes out of the rec room with a gun
FWD runs up the stairs and tries to fuckin kill pea with some scissors but jobs harder than I did
we go into the rec room and fwd starts playing some maio party, while I hopelessly try to use an arcade cabinet that's been SHOT
zelma comes in the room as I make my way to the trophy case and toss my taser at spritey
heading into the bedroom hall, I pass bee and make my way to the bathroom
I piss on the door and get really tired, so I go to my room
there's something jammed under the door so I grab it and take a look
it's some kinda bird mask made out of book pages
armor chao anf fwd go in some rooms as I head into mine to pass out
wake up
jack off in my room
hear explosion
leave room
see two finger
go downstairs
see fwd on the way
head downstairs
grab some beans and cook them in the kitchen
put beans in bowl and walk around the facility aimlessly
follow the first person i see
follow zelma
we go to our rooms

side note im pretty sure there was no pee on the bathroom door when i woke up
DISCORD: "check Pea's body for signs of a taser" "check the area for signs of a struggle"
You do not find EITHER.
DISCORD: "stab pea's body with scissors to see if it matches the other stab wounds"
You do not think that SCISSORS would cause the same type of wounds.

Also, since it was brought up, there is a PISTOL in PEA'S BODY'S POSSESSION.
DISCORD: "check rec room to see how many pistols are missing from last night"
To compare to last night's count, there are TWO GUNS MISSING.
DISCORD: You search FUN WITH DESPAIR'S PILLOWCASE (His BEDSHEETS are gone, but his PILLOWCASE was not stolen). Nothing is inside, except for a PILLOW, dumbass.
DISCORD: how many bullets are left in turb's gun
THREE SHOTS are missing.
[Image: s2n7oi.png]

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