(Jul 27, 2017 at 6:58 PM)rtsmarty Wrote: @"Monokuma" is there anything in the lockers
All of the LOCKERS are empty. There are however BOLTS on the ground where the missing one was.
@"Monokuma" can we check 2finger's and brainwyrms' shoes for syrup after permission from discord
(Jul 27, 2017 at 8:10 PM)rtsmarty Wrote: @"Monokuma" can we check 2finger's and brainwyrms' shoes for syrup after permission from discord
You may not inspect players for such things.
turb wake up [T]
turb enter prop room [T]
**turb puts fog machine in dumb waiter [T]
turb takes elevator to mfan's room [T]
rt wakes up [R]
rt goes to the mono shop [R]
a door opens near mfan's room [T]
rtsmarty attacks turb [T]
rtsmarty and turb teleport into rt's room [T]
i wake up [A]
i go to mono shop [A]
brainwyrms wakes up [B]
brainwyrms goes to crew's room for the coffee machine [B]
i buy a knife and use it to cut hedgehog parts off [A]
**brainwyrms enters dumbwaiter, deactivates fog machine [B]
brainwyrms hears me chopping hedgehog parts off [A+B]
draku wakes up [B]
brainwyrms KOs draku with coffee machine and steals his clothes [B]
brainwyrms goes to rec area for video games [B]
brainwyrms sees me exit mono shop [B+A]
i see frog man picks up draku's naked body [A]
i teleport into chiaki's room [A]
i wake chiaki up [C+A]
me and chiaki fight [C+A]
i leave chiaki's room [C+A]
chiaki goes back to bed [C]
i see frog man fucking with the lockers [A]
i go to the breakfast buffet [A]
i hear weird shit from the dumbwaiter [A]
i head back to bed [A]
i notice a locker is gone [A]
brainwyrms throws coffee pot into pool [B]
brainwyrms goes to bed[B]

that's about all we have
at some point 2f also jumped into the pool but that's impossible to place. i'm guessing it was pretty early
@"Monokuma" Two_Finger, Chiaki, Turb, RTSMarty, Aidan, and I all gave permission in the Discord to question our respective Boogeymen about what they might've witnessed.
[Image: B3S9ub9.png]
(Jul 27, 2017 at 11:32 PM)brainwyrms Wrote: @"Monokuma" Two_Finger, Chiaki, Turb, RTSMarty, Aidan, and I all gave permission in the Discord to question our respective Boogeymen about what they might've witnessed.
TWO FINGER'S BOOGEYMAN leaves the room and never returns. Will we ever see him again? Who knows.

CHIAKI'S BOOGEYMAN lies in bed, stands up, then pelvic thrusts, finally pretending to swing and object and going to bed.

TURB'S BOOGEYMAN just leaves. He eventually comes back, but it takes a long ass time.

RT'S BOOGEYMAN leaves, then reenters the room, pretending to hold something. He rips up some clothes, tosses the shreds around, and then pretends to throw something at the door and then laughs.

AIDAN'S BOOGEYMAN ties a PILLOWCASE around his shoulder, then leaves. He returns covered in PISS AND BLOOD. You ask him where it came from, and he gives you a deep, sobering gaze.
@"Monokuma" Sorry, I meant to also inquire about Draku's Boogeyman, if possible.
[Image: B3S9ub9.png]
(Jul 27, 2017 at 11:59 PM)brainwyrms Wrote: @"Monokuma" Sorry, I meant to also inquire about Draku's Boogeyman, if possible.
He leaves the room and does not return
@"Monokuma" Check Mfan's boogeyman since he agreed to it in discord
@"Monokuma" does the INSIDE of the frog suit smell like coffee
(Jul 28, 2017 at 12:42 AM)Turb Wrote: @"Monokuma" Check Mfan's boogeyman since he agreed to it in discord
His BOOGEYMAN does nothing when questioned beyond yell incoherently for a bit.
(Jul 28, 2017 at 1:00 AM)Turb Wrote: @"Monokuma" does the INSIDE of the frog suit smell like coffee
Only the OUTSIDE does.
(Jul 28, 2017 at 1:09 AM)Turb Wrote: @"Monokuma" CHECK THE PROP ROOM FOR MISSING MANNEQUINS
There is one missing. It appears to be what makes up the RTSMARTY EFFIGY
@"Monokuma" Does the locker or power tool smell like coffee in any way?
You cannot tell how the LOCKER smells beyond vaguely of seawater.

The POWER TOOL smells like plastic and metal
@"Monokuma" Does the inside of the frog suit smell like saltwater or anything, probably doesn't but you never know
The FROG SUIT smells like nothing in particular beyond the exterior, which smells of coffee as stated

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