-I wake up to MARIOFAN downing a bottle of WHISKEY outside his room. He pours what's left on the GOKU PAINTING, and then heads over to the GYM. Rude.
-I head downstairs and buy a TROPHY so I can pretend to feel accomplished about SOMETHING. The MONO SHOP is all kinds of fucked up.
-I head out the LOBBY DOOR, and notice a couple things were jotted in the GUESTBOOK. Not what they are though. Just that it's not piss, thank god.
-Wait a minute.
-I see that motherfucker DRAKU by the front door. That piece of shit played me like a damn fiddle! I throw myself at him, sock him in the gut, and splash him with my TROPHY.
-Wow, don't know what came over me there.
-Afterwards, I spot a KNOCKED OUT CHIAKI over by the FIRE ESCAPE. I rush to her side and shake her awake, and after a bit she comes to.
-Meanwhile, I see ZELMA in a COAT go into a bedroom. A PHANTOM THIEF lookin' dude and someone else are both heading over to the SHIP. I also see MONOKUMA with a MONO SHOP BAG enter someone's bedroom as well.
-...Anyways. CHIAKI and I head inside to head over to our rooms. We ride the ELEVATOR with a LUCHADOR carrying an entire fucking SLOT MACHINE? I also hear "THROUGH THE FIRE AND FLAMES" blaring, but I can't quite make out from where.
-Upon arriving in the REC ROOM I see that it's all burned up to shit, with an exhausted MONOKUMA slumped against a wall, holding a FIRE HOSE.
-I head to my room, and see the LUCHADOR enter theirs, SLOT MACHINE in tow.
[Image: B3S9ub9.png]
Is that everything that got purchased?
i forgot about the FUCKING trophies

TWO TROPHIES were bought too
Chiaki Nanami
[Image: J8OlGwH.png]
I can't believe all of this in one night... I went outside, by the fire escape, to look for anything suspicious, but this was too much.

I'll start with the most important info I have on what happened, starting with when I got to the fire escape. I saw Turb set up some beach equipment by the beach, mainly a chair, an umbrella and a beach ball. He played with the ball for a bit. A while after, he went in the ship.

Right after, I saw Diantha walk to the ship. As far as I know, this is evidence that the murder happened on the ship.

I got knocked out by a masked figure shortly after. I have trouble remembering who did it, but they did reek of piss... Brainwyrms woke me up after that. I'm not sure as to how long I was knocked out.

[Image: kPKsRfE.png]
Right now, Turb seems to be the most suspect. If you have anything to say about that, I'd like to know.

I won't hesitate to say more about my account, but for now, I'd like for us to concentrate on the important matter.
-Leave the ship and notice Draku is doing the same
-Enter the lobby
-Notice someone wrote the false opinion of "SONIC IS HERE SHADOW IS A LOSER"
-Take the elevator up, downing half a bottle of whiskey
-See Brainwyrms leave their room and make their way downstairs
-Pour the rest of the whiskey on the Goku painting. I hate modern art
-See Shadow loitering near the fire escape
-Grab a luchador mask and put it over the head of the burned bear. Now it really ties the room together
-Notice Brainwyrms take a passed-out Chiaki up
@"Monokuma" Which bedroom did I see the LUCHADOR enter?
[Image: B3S9ub9.png]
The LUCHADOR entered one of the three rightmost bedrooms. You forget which one
do i smell like piss and probably fucking alien hedgehog semen
whoops I'm too busy to think today! You also smell like gross TROPHY PISS BEER
-Woke up, swapped into Pthief clothes in my room. You're welcome to check it for confetti if you'd like.

-Saw a second Phantom Thief leaving another room. Probably BM.

-I went through the Snack Bar and into the Casino, intending to ride the Elevator. I see DIANTHA playing yu-gi-oh at the card table, she challenges me to a duel and I agree but I lose very embarrassingly. Guess I didn't have the heart of the cards Well...

-I rode up the Elevator, hearing a CRASH from upstairs while inside, but after actually exiting into the Rec Room I saw nothing out of the ordinary (wasn't burnt at this point in time, basically). I grabbed an extra handgun to complement my phantom thief gun, and started doing gun spins while occasionally firing rounds into the ceiling, yelling YOU'RE PRETTY GOOD each time. Sadly no one was around to watch it.

-I left for the Gym, and along the way I see ZELMA leaving his room, probably because I was screaming like an idiot. I made a mad dash for the luchador masks, put one on, grabbed ZELMA in a headlock, dragged him over and SUPLEXED HIM THROUGH THE FUCKING SKYVIEW FLOOR.
I passed out after this for good reasons.

-When I woke up in the Mono Shop, ZELMA was already gone, and I swapped back into my normal outfit, leaving a pile of confetti. I headed for the Casino, but first noticed DUDE and ELYK in the lobby, as well as Korn playing in the background for some reason. ELYK shot a rocket fist at DUDE, but it bounced off of him with a clang, and then DUDE rushed up, kneed him in the stomach, and flicked him in the nose right after.
ELYK started sparking out for whatever reason, and DUDE fistpumped and made fun of ELYK while ELYK ran out to the ship. DUDE himself went to the Mono Shop, and after witnessing all of this I continued on my quest to use the slot machines. I won credits which was pretty sick

-After leaving the Casino through the Snack Bar, I heard another loud CRASH, this time from the direction of the Mono Shop. I ran over to the Fire Escape, passing CHIAKI, and let my piss knife drip all over the stairs in there. Fun. Afterwards I headed out to the Beach Hut, got a reclining chair, umbrella, and beach ball, and set it all up on the beach itself. MASKED DRAKU left the front door holding a MONO SHOP BAG, and I kicked my beach ball into his face and laughed at him after it knocked him over. What a loser. He got up and went to an unspecified room on the Ship afterwards.

-I got cozy on my beach chair with my good old KG history book, and saw MASKED DRAKU leaving the Ship shortly after, still with his MONO SHOP BAG. I saw T-MAN leaving the Resort heading towards the Ship shortly afterwards, and I started walking in the same direction. But what I actually did was go to a remote corner of the beach, change into my phantom thief outfit again, toss some confetti on the ground manually, and confettiport into DRAKU's room.

-I ascended to seventh-dimensional chess and sent DRAKU a card telling him to kill BM out of nothing but spite, guaranteeing that either the guy who almost mislynched me or the guy who probably killed Mario will die.

-After I moonwalked out of DRAKU'S room, I did a sweet-ass backflip off SUPERCHAO'S DOOR. I had actually intended to like, flip the bird at it but this is a lot better thank you Desp. As I was leaving the ship, a SEMEN-COVERED GATO stared at me, before he walked towards the pool and dropped into the hole.

-I went straight to bed in my room and saw no one else on the way.
can we check the card for how nice and legit it looks or do we have to ask draku

also, does a card (assuming it's legit) that orders a kill mean the murderer is the person who recieved the card or the one that sent it
i check turb's room
[Image: s2n7oi.png]
There is CONFETTI in TURB'S ROOM and that's about it.

DRAKU is in possession of the CALLING CARD. The killer of the target is the guilty party, however if the card is legit, the target only has to die by ANY means to save DRAKU
Asked Monokuma for clarification on the mask the figure who woke me up at the very start of my night was wearing since there were luchador maskers running around, it apparently looked like my face but shittily made. so if anyone else saw a masked person but it was left at that, it might be worth asking about
[Image: s2n7oi.png]
What would have happened if someone entered one of the off limits areas?
Asking permission to check Draku's room for confetti from the teleport.
Search my room in general, including for confetti
Also I want to know what I smell like right now.
[Image: s2n7oi.png]
(Jul 17, 2017 at 4:22 AM)Elyk Wrote: What would have happened if someone entered one of the off limits areas?
They would be KO'D until the end of the night.
(Jul 17, 2017 at 4:35 AM)Draku Wrote: Search my room in general, including for confetti
DRAKU'S ROOM is covered in CONFETTI. His bed also reeks of BEER.

Nothing else is really out of place.

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