John Freeman
are the pants dead
(Oct 22, 2017 at 8:26 PM)John Freeman Wrote: are the pants dead
Attention, party guests! A body has been discovered!

@PANTS have been found in every bedroom, and not a single pair is breathing!
Kokichi Ouma
(Oct 22, 2017 at 8:31 PM)Monokuma Wrote:
(Oct 22, 2017 at 8:26 PM)John Freeman Wrote: are the pants dead
Attention, party guests! A body has been discovered!

@PANTS have been found in every bedroom, and not a single pair is breathing!

[Image: Danganronpa_V3_Bonus_Mode_Kokichi_Oma_Sp...286%29.png]
Well, not in Ron's bedroom.
El Negro
I'm telling you all, that bridge was a killer! As soon as it broke, I tried repairing it but that also didn't work! Afterwards it just broke again and one damn ladder just pushed me down! I have no idea onto who I fell, but at least it was pretty comfy. My back kind of hurts, but it'll get better later, probably.
[Image: z839mDR.png]
(Oct 22, 2017 at 8:33 PM)El Negro Wrote: I'm telling you all, that bridge was a killer! As soon as it broke, I tried repairing it but that also didn't work! Afterwards it just broke again and one damn ladder just pushed me down! I have no idea onto who I fell, but at least it was pretty comfy. My back kind of hurts, but it'll get better later, probably.

that was me you fell on, and I was the one that smashed the walkway
- I wake up to a guy in my room covered in cum, doing a handstand, and whispering to himself. He says "Hi" then slithers out on his stomach with his eyes rolling around his sockets.
- I contemplate death for a few minutes before deciding to get out of bed. I grab some underwear and leave.
- When I exit my room I see someone run by me and across the glass bridge. They have a boner and are naked. Someone joins another person down the hall and enters wine storage.
- I head to the glass bridge. Someone is hammering it so I ask them what they are doing. They tell me they are fixing it. I toss my underwear out onto the bridge then leave. As I do a ladder smashes it from below. The glass tapper falls onto the person that was holding the ladder on top of the shack.
- Before heading downstairs I look around. There is a guy in a yellow raincoat in the courtyard writing words with a garden hoe. One of the trees is on fire. Someone is on the patio with a pile of bedding. He looks back at me as he puts a bed sheet into a trick or treat bag before pushing the pile off. He then leaves.
- I head downstairs through the wine room. I pass by someone from earlier except now they are covered in wine. There is another puddle of wine a ways away from him.
- I enter the kitchen and see a guy with a trash bag filling it with oranges. He sits down at the table and begins cutting one up with a knife. I grab a jar of pasta sauce.
- I pass through the hall and take a look at the painting. It is a duplicate of the Obama painting from upstairs except it has creepy eyes that follow me.
- I enter the trophy room and remove my hand. I pose it in a middle finger then put it inside a trophy case. Someone expresses disappointment at this, but then accompanies me through the hall before entering the headmaster's office.
- Someone else knocks on the office door and yells trick or treat. The door opens and a hand sticks out with a bottle of wine. Then a foot kicks the trick or treater sending them crashing into another person. This person is riding a person wearing a bedsheet and is holding a rocket launcher.
- The rider says to the ass kicked person something about licenses and headcrabs before doing finger guns and riding out of there.
- Someone leaves the supply room carrying stepladders. They are noted as being confused. The head up the stairs.
- I go inside and grab a chainsaw. When I leave I pass by someone that smells of wine.
- I head back to the hall my bedroom is in. I notice someone toasting to the Obama picture except instead it is now a painted over to look like Atua.
- I enter John Freeman's room. Enraged that he is not there, I throw pasta sauce all over the place and make a mess using my chainsaw.
- I exit the room and ditch my chainsaw by tossing it out to where the glass bridge should have been.
- I return to my room and go to sleep.

>wake up

>see ZIGGZAGG going back to his room mumbling about boners

>i head for the supply room to look for a camera and find nothing of value, see ANGIE and ARCHER_EST going down the stairs along the way

>exit and head to trophy room, see severed hand in trophy case giving the middle finger

>I ask it to say cheese and take a picture of it but it doesn't really work

>heading for the kitchen now which was my original destination, see GATO apparently going upstairs, there's black liquid coming from his eye sockets and they're rolled back in his head

>he doesn't notice because hes neo bros

>when i actually get to the kitchen i grab me some oranges and eat a snack for the night. I also get 2 wine glasses

>while I am doing this someone with 5 LETTERS OR LESS enters the kitchen, takes a jelly jar and puts something inside it, then grabs some pasta sauce and leaves

>throw the knife i used to peel the orange in the sink, head upstairs and pick out a nice wine, then pour it into the glasses i got from the kitchen

>take a nice stroll through the hallway to it, passing ANGIE painting KOKICHI'S DOOR, great recreational activity. she finishes and runs down the stairs

>toast the atua picture even though i was still expecting it to be an obama picture, but its fine i can appreciate art

>as i am toasting the picture, ELYK exits the wine storage with a chainsaw and runs into JOHN FREEMAN'S ROOM

>finish my alcohol and set one glass down in front of obamatua, then throw the other one at KOKICHI'S DOOR. sorry about your work angie

>try to step across walkway- wait no shit it's broken

>I fall but land on a pile of underwear; as I get up i see EL NEGRO knocked out on top of the shed, and MAURICE LEBLANC under a pile of ladders and also KO'd

>i also spot TWO FINGER in the conservatory a bit later, and finally head back up to bed

Apollo Justice
Sorry Mr. Leblanc, I didn't notice you down there when I was getting rid of the folding ladders. I was distracted by their weight and awkward folded shape.
John Freeman
John Freeman who was Gordon Freemans borther was one day in a bedroom typing on a computer. He got an email from his brother that said that murderers and liars were attacking his place and aksed him for help so he went.

John Freeman got his computer shut down and wet on the patio where he left his motorcycle and normal people close because he was in his office lab coat. John Freeman got on his motorcycl and said "its time for me to live up to my family name and fact full life consequences" so he had to go.

John Freeman ramped off the patio and did a backflip and landed. He kept driving down the corridor and made sure there was no zombies around because he ddint have weapon. He saw Angie in the hall painting Obama into God and kept on going.

The manor was nice and the plants were singing and the birds and the sun was down from the top of the sky. the mood was set for John Freemans quest to help his brother where he was. John Freeman looked around the countrysides and said "its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys".

The glass was brake and dud and gato was in the kitchen with aple and convulsing in a hidous manor. Monokuma had some nice wine and negative man knocked on the door and monokuma opened and kicked his but he crashed into John Freeman and kyle entered the hall.

John Freeman was late so he had to drive really fast. A cop car was hiden near by so when John Freeman went by the cops came and wanted to give him a ticket. Here John Freeman saw the first monster because the cop was possessed and had headcrabs.

"I cant give you my lisense officer" John Freeman said
"Why not?" said the headcrab oficer back to John Freeman.
"Because you are a headcrab zombie" so John Freeman shot the oficer in the head and drove off thinking "my brother is in trouble there" and went faster.

John Freeman had to go faster like the speed of sound and got there fast because Gordon needed him where he was. John Freeman looked at road signs and saw "Bedrooms" with someons writing under it saying "u shudnt come here" so John Freeman almost turned around but heard screaming like Gordon so he went faster again.

John Freeman drove in and did another flip n jumped off his motorbike and saw Ron Jeremys corpse on the floor and zombie goasts so he he looked on the ground and found wepon so he pickd it up and fired fast at zombie goasts in front of a closet.

John Freeman said "Zombie goasts leave this place" and the zombie goasts said "but this is our room" and John Freeman felt sorry for them becaus they couldnt live there anymore because they were zombie goasts so he blew up the room and killed the zombie goasts so they were at piece.

Then John Freeman herd another scream from his brother so he kept walking really faster to get where he was. Ron Jeremys room was nothing like the countrysides there was no birds singing and the pants were missing and teh carpet was messy and bloody from headcrabs. The evil boss was in the closet but it was smoky and he could nto see him.

When John Freeman got to where the screaming was started from he found his brother Gorden Freeman fightin the final bosss and Gordon said "John Freeman! Over here!" so John Freeman went there to wher Gordon Freeman was fighting.

Gordon Freeman said "its time to end this ones and for all!" and punched the final boss in the door and the door stayd still. John Freeman said "thanks i could help, bro" and Gordon Freeman said "you should come here earlier next time" and they laughed.

The laughed overed quickly though because John Freeman yelled "LOOK OUT BRO!" and pointed to the open of the door. Gordon Freeman looked up and said "NOO! John Freeman run out of here as fast as you can!" and John Freeman walked real fast out.

John Freeman loked back and saw Gordon get calld a bad name by Monokuma and he was mad and angry.

to be continued..?
I... first of all, I'd appreciate my mattress and bedding back...

If you must know my account, I started by looking around the study and found what looked like the blueprints for when the house was being built and I noticed something strange. The blueprints showed something that resembled a hidden passage, but it didn't seem to show where the passage went. I checked where it looked like the passage would be on the blueprints and found a hidden panel. Of course, as I started to enter, I heard someone entering the study so I closed the panel and stayed quiet, watching them while keeping the book of blueprints close to my face. I'm not sure why, but Draku popped in, but it didn't seem like Draku was doing anything in particular so I just waited for them to leave which took... a while.

After Draku was finally gone I opened the passage back up and went inside. After crawling around for a while I ended up behind what looked like the back of a bookcase. I assumed this must have been the library, obviously. I tried to open the bookcase and found that it was able to open like a door, but I honestly....REALLY...wish I hadn't. I opened the bookcase just enough to see Ron Jeremy's naked and erect ass pissing on everything in the room while Kokichi was trying to stop him. I don't say this to be malicious but honestly if any of us had to die, I'm at least relieved it was the one who wanted to piss on everyone's stuff.

Anyways after seeing that uh... "situation," I decided I'd seen enough and closed the bookcase, crawled back up, and opened the panel that hid the secret passageway. Unfortunately as I slowly lifted the panel I noticed the NEXT biggest headache-inducing person in the group was in the study as well. I saw Angie getting some paints from the study and looked like she was heading downstairs. I decided to follow her quietly so she didn't notice me and start trying to sell me the "good word of Atua" or any of that garbage. I followed her downstairs, across the first floor, and up the stairs by the Wine Storage where I noticed Gato sliding down the stairs for some reason. Weird. After we got back upstairs I stopped in the wine storage as Angie went over to the portrait of Obama where she decided he needed a makeover and painted him gold. It was around that point where I gave up thinking she might be doing anything worthwhile and saw some wine that I liked. These people might all be weird freaks but at least Monokuma stocked this place with some good wine. Thanks.

Unfortunately the weirdness didn't stop there either, Dude decided to come to the wine storage as well as I was looking around and...he just sorta poured wine all over himself...? After that he got some wine and left. Whatever. I walked over to the patio closest to me to get some air and to get away from all the strange stuff going on around me for a while before heading back downstairs where I noticed Dude again but instead of the wine he took, he had a shotgun this time around. Circumventing that situation because no thank you, I went back through the trophy room to the study, grabbed some books, then out of some form of strange sadism that hit me, I decided to go hang out with Negative Man and play some Liar's Dice. He didn't know how to play though so it was, quite literally, like stealing candy from a baby. Or in this case, wine, as I took the wine he had as my winners prize and went back to my room while he was still crying.

All I did after that was stack the books in front of my bedroom door and get ready for bed, which ISN'T THERE. BECAUSE IT WAS STOLEN. AND I WANT IT BACK. NOW.
im interested to hear what @Gato has to say
I spent my whole night atop the shed before wandering into the conservatory and passing out
Apollo Justice
(Oct 22, 2017 at 10:34 PM)Two_Finger Wrote: I spent my whole night atop the shed before wandering into the conservatory and passing out
(Oct 22, 2017 at 8:06 PM)Two_Finger Wrote: interesting thing to note before I take forever to get my account out: I saw monokuma come into the courtyard and burn the tree
I have a feeling there's a role at work here
[Image: A04DXBE.gif]
Looking at your previous testimony, we see you claim it would take forever to get your account out. However, your testimony is barely a sentence long. What aspect of your account was too complicated to discuss earlier?
oh that claim wasn't made based on length of my account, but rather the length of my attention span
(Oct 22, 2017 at 10:49 PM)Two_Finger Wrote: oh that claim wasn't made based on length of my account, but rather the length of my attention span
what else did you see, motherfucker
[Image: s2n7oi.png]
Apollo Justice
@"Ziggzagg", I'm Apollo Justice, an attorney at the Wright Anything Agency. I'm investigating the murder of Ron Jeremy. If there's anything you could tell us about last night, it would be a big help.
(Oct 22, 2017 at 10:51 PM)Draku Wrote:
(Oct 22, 2017 at 10:49 PM)Two_Finger Wrote: oh that claim wasn't made based on length of my account, but rather the length of my attention span
what else did you see, motherfucker

I wake up to someone slinking out of my room aand find that my mouth is full of man juice


spot draku with bedding, I go downstairs and see monokub leave his office
go to library and nab a ladder, kokichi is there
I use the ladder to climb atop the shack
while I'm climbing nude Ron goes in and out of the library, someone gets told to fuck off
monokuma comes in with a blowtorch and lights the trees on fire
the door to the shack opens and a guy in a yellow raincoat comes out and writes something in the ground with aho
someone's banging the walkway with a hammer, and elyk throws his well used pantsu onto it, so I smash it with my ladder
el negro falls on my and passes out in awe
someone (draku) also tosses his cumrag bedding into the court from a patio

some wineo dude shows up, looks at the walkway, then goes to the library
gato does the same shit but he's wiggin out like he was in The Ring, he throws an apple core at raincoat man
after a long ass time the dude finishes scribbling in the dirt, it says "you're next kira"
he starts a staring contest with me and it turns out it's mr leblanc
while that's going on gato rolls out of the library while making bird sounds, kokichi yells at him
I sense JUSTICE around and then step ladders rain from above and pelt poor leblanc and knock him out
bored out of my mind, I go to the conservatory to try and sleep, but before I can pass out I hear "NOO! John Freeman run out of here as fast as you can!" coming from the hall and then turb falls into the underwear
[Image: GrFo47K.jpg]
Apollo Justice
[Image: ziXS6xU.gif]
What Happened Last Night

I went to the study to get craft materials.
Zigzagg was waiting by the stairs, and Draku was walking into the shower.
Angie drags me to her room for prayer. I'm not a believer, but I didn't have the heart to refuse.
Our prayer circle is broken up by naked Ron Jeremy.

After a brief shower, I head down to the supply room.
On my way down I heard Monokuma scolding someone.
In the supply room I find some worthless tools and take them to be disposed of. That's also when I passed by Elyk.

I toss the useless trash off the broken walkway and head to bed.
On my way back to bed I see Turb with a glass of wine.
I had an awful sleep, thanks Draku.
@"Monokuma" is it possible to check for trails of black ooze around the house?

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