The Pool of Generosity [CLOSED - Distribution during Closing Ceremony]
Thank you @"Junkenstein" for your 200 EX donation!
Thank you @Yoshin for your 610 EX donation!
The Pool has been sealed away by magic, the last surviving remnants of the ruined Positive World. However, while this remains in effect, no donations can be accepted.
Pool (and donations) has been reopened, my dears!
Thank you @Dude for your 39 EX donation! Every little bit helps!
Thank you @Dude for your 69 EX donation, you now qualify for the EX Share!
Thank you @"BlasterMaster" for your 1080 EX donation and thank you @"Ivo Eggman Robotnik" for your 573 EX donation!
Thank you @T-man for your 9001 EX donation! It's over 9000!!!
I'm going to dump ex in a few moments, my dearies!
Thank you for the kind words on our new skin!
I'm going to dump ex in a few moments, my dearies!
Thank you for the kind words on our new skin!
For the record, my dears, the Pool of Generosity has exceeded 50,000! So much generosity!!!
EX pool dumped on LottoBot. If you were trying to donate more ex @T-man, you may do so now!
Thank you @"Ivo Eggman Robotnik" for your 500 EX donation!
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