(Jan 13, 2017 at 10:12 PM)Fun With Despair Wrote: I actually really didn't like OoT as a kid. At all. Weird opinion, but even now I still don't really like it at all compared to ALttP and MM afterwards.I think that OoT is an ok game. Which to me is like a 5.5-6/10. HOWEVER, there are so many great and amazing Zelda games that a 5.5 is trash compared to the best of the best Zeldas. So yeah I totally get you.
I think the most questionable opinion of sequels that I don't think is good is Bowser's Inside Story. I absolutely loved Superstar Saga and it's a near perfect game. I say near perfect cause Joke's End exists and YMMV but the game can be easily broken. But I was super hyped to play this game, but it ended up...bland. I mean Bowser's dialogue was the best performance of Bowser ever to date and maybe even ever will, but witty dialogue can only go so far with largely uninteresting gameplay. It's kind of a shame really.