The rowsof three are frustrating me. 1 User + 10 Dupes + rows of 3 = death. If ~muh 11 dupes is too many~ then reduce it to 8. Win-win. 1+8=9.
Ideally we'd only be allowed to have five dupes and we'd be able to murder our dupes after six months of inactivity or so but I guess that depends on when Spritey gets around to it. Thoughts?
I had a thread about evening out the columns and I remember @T-man (or someone T-man -esque) agreeing but I deleted the thread before it was resolved when I was attempting a Teddy.
Ideally we'd only be allowed to have five dupes and we'd be able to murder our dupes after six months of inactivity or so but I guess that depends on when Spritey gets around to it. Thoughts?
I had a thread about evening out the columns and I remember @T-man (or someone T-man -esque) agreeing but I deleted the thread before it was resolved when I was attempting a Teddy.