Gordon Ramsay
(Apr 3, 2022 at 10:36 PM)Gregg Wallace Wrote: Time to give Hannibal a Big Pat-Down!
You inspect a sad-looking Hannibal. He has a syringe, a washcloth, and some duct tape.
Gregg Wallace
And now, to use my keys on this strange security room!
Gordon Ramsay
(Apr 3, 2022 at 10:41 PM)Gregg Wallace Wrote: And now, to use my keys on this strange security room!
You try your keys on the Security Room case.

Nothing happens.
Lasagna Cat
[Image: fTi1M9J.png]

Well... guess that puts the spotlight back on me, huh... I don't get it, I'm everyone's favourite lazy cat. I've never hurt anyone in my time here! All I wanted to do was eat some great lasagna and make a bunch of new friends.

But then... getting kicked down the stairs every night...

And that hack Ramsay....... refusing to hand over control to me and my wonderful new TV show.....

It's all felt like one long, long MONDAY.....

So. You want to see my inventory? Fine.

[Image: hUeNlrh.gif]
[Image: RvGUrtv.png]
Tributes to Jim Davis
Takeshi Kaga
Check the food laboratory (as this was my domain), are the facilities required to make Explosive Pineapple touched?

kick lasagna cat
[Image: apple.gif]
Gordon Ramsay
You check Garfield's inventory.

He has a grenade, a detonator for a remote explosive, a gun, several bullets for a gun, a knife, a skewer, a set of keys, a smoke grenade, Saul Goodman's clothes, some vodka, a sledgehammer, and a shovel.
Gordon Ramsay
(Apr 3, 2022 at 10:52 PM)Takeshi Kaga Wrote: Check the food laboratory (as this was my domain), are the facilities required to make Explosive Pineapple touched?

kick lasagna cat
They are not.

You kick him. Feels good.
Takeshi Kaga
yeah after kicking garfield just check his grenade and bullets for signs of being opened to get the gunpowder from (ensure that the missing ammunition matches up to the amount missing from the security room) and that his hands/body/etc dont have gunpowder on them

[Image: apple.gif]
Gordon Ramsay
(Apr 3, 2022 at 10:58 PM)Takeshi Kaga Wrote: yeah after kicking garfield just check his grenade and bullets for signs of being opened to get the gunpowder from (ensure that the missing ammunition matches up to the amount missing from the security room) and that his hands/body/etc dont have gunpowder on them

You check all this. It appears there is no gunpowder that has gone missing, or inexplicably absent ammo.
Lasagna Cat
[Image: ZWbr53C.png]

You realise how easy it's been to lie about this? I got the key from Hurderer's body back on night 6! I took a chisel from the garage and dug that hole in the library, then used a magnet on a stick to take it back from him. I kept my head down until night 7, when I hid myself under a bunch of bedsheets at the start of the night and took off to the security room, grabbing my gun, some smoke grenades and a plastic explosive/detonator. I then hid in the hell pit until I saw Luthier, set off a smoke grenade and shot him. Then I shot a few at Ramsay too who didn't mention for some reason... guess he was too shellshocked by the Ainsley/Saul thing.

I then ran into the chef dorm and attached the explosive, and rattled off the rest of my bullets in the breakroom, until my ammo was gone completely. Then I hid my disguise on the exterior stairs (I don't remember if I did anything after) and carried on with my night. To tell the truth, the plan WAS to shoot Saul with the real gun, before I found him dead, but it would jam as I was out of ammo. A perfectly faked attempt, and all the shooting stuff would just confuse everyone, while the real murder would've just been me running off and stabbing someone with no fanfare whatsoever. My attempt tonight was sort of the same thing but I realised I wouldn't get away with fucking around with the gun twice in a row.

The only thing I omitted tonight was hiding under the sheets, grabbing the grenade, remotely shutting down the security room by throwing something at the glass, and jumping down into the office, where I left the sheets.

If you need to check anything further then go ahead.
[Image: RvGUrtv.png]
Tributes to Jim Davis
Takeshi Kaga
Check Greenhouse for signs of anything being used to dig up the hole recently (covered in dirt for instance)

Check infirmary

Ask Angie to memcheck if either Lasagna Cat or Lita had dirt on their hands
[Image: apple.gif]
Gordon Ramsay
(Apr 3, 2022 at 11:21 PM)Takeshi Kaga Wrote: Check Greenhouse for signs of anything being used to dig up the hole recently (covered in dirt for instance)

Check infirmary

Ask Angie to memcheck if either Lasagna Cat or Lita had dirt on their hands
You look around. A trowel is lying covered in dirt.

You check the infirmary and find nothing special.

"Nah, they were both clean!"
Lasagna Cat
Check the animal pen.

Hold up a photograph of Lita. Do the chickens seem any friendlier than usual?
[Image: RvGUrtv.png]
Tributes to Jim Davis
Gordon Ramsay
(Apr 3, 2022 at 11:34 PM)Lasagna Cat Wrote: Check the animal pen.

Hold up a photograph of Lita. Do the chickens seem any friendlier than usual?
They cluck in appreciation.
Lasagna Cat
Where are the other Greggs? Can we body check them?

Are Guy Fieri's hands clean?

Check the Gregg cloning room (idk where that is)
[Image: RvGUrtv.png]
Tributes to Jim Davis
Gordon Ramsay
(Apr 3, 2022 at 11:40 PM)Lasagna Cat Wrote: Where are the other Greggs? Can we body check them?

Are Guy Fieri's hands clean?

Check the Gregg cloning room (idk where that is)
The other Greggs appear to be milling around in the basement. You body check them, and they have nothing.

His hands are sparkling clean.

It's the Ingredient Modification Facility. You've been here.
Immortal Tatsu
I also pet the chickens
Takeshi Kaga
Check outside of the facility, are there any signs of the food trucks leaving tire marks or otherwise in weird places
[Image: apple.gif]
Gordon Ramsay
(Apr 3, 2022 at 11:44 PM)Takeshi Kaga Wrote: Check outside of the facility, are there any signs of the food trucks leaving tire marks or otherwise in weird places
You see some tire marks that go up the wall of the outside Set Building.
Takeshi Kaga
Which wall, also check the roof
[Image: apple.gif]

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