Momoyo Himemushi
Present my inventory.

Also if anyone wants to feel me up I'm down for it.
Izumi Konata
Since Brad is showing off his injuries, can we find evidence that he was kicked? Like boot marks or anything?
(Jan 4, 2024 at 10:00 AM)Jack of Spades Wrote: I'm gonna go check the path stones outside just in case someone left a piece of metal tweezers under there or something.
You check the path stones, painstaking lifting them up one by one. You find some insects, and a bunch of fine white crystals poured out next to one of them, but no tweezer pieces.
(Jan 4, 2024 at 1:56 PM)Momoyo Himemushi Wrote: Present my inventory.

Also if anyone wants to feel me up I'm down for it.
You present your inventory and allow a bodycheck. You are unharmed, though your shoes are slightly covered in a black fluid and you are somewhat dirty.

Your items include a shovel, and this image:

[Image: r7bxprv.png]

(Jan 4, 2024 at 4:08 PM)Izumi Konata Wrote: Since Brad is showing off his injuries, can we find evidence that he was kicked? Like boot marks or anything?
You inspect Bradimir. There is a bruise on his back, but nothing so clearly defined as a shoeprint.
Nashu Mhakaracca
I'd like to show off the Crimson Eye Poster I found!

Also, is there an actual gate that needs to open for a person to access the tunnel from Gate #2 and vice versa? If so, does it make a significant noise that you could hear from outside?
[Image: S2e5_Paul_Robertson_Giffany_with_binder.gif]
Hello, everyone! It seems that our dear janitor, Gus, is dead. I wished to know him more before he became dead. Maybe he will be back one day, though! Dr. Liz Grayson no longer seems to be, deceased! Maybe he will be back one day and we can talk again?

I began my night by finding an object for self-defense. This place is spooky, and anything can happen! What's your favorite object for self-defense? It seems like most of you like, guns! I am not very keen on guns. I believe knives are so cool! While I was getting a knife from the Break Room drawer, I saw Dodo! Hello, Mr. Dodo! I like your feathers, they are so floofy! They are almost as floofy as my hair! Do your feathers change colors too? He gave me a big hug before he left. I love hugs!

Then I went to the Facility Jail to visit Gus. I wanted to get to know him better. Nobody is entirely bad, regardless of how they seem! On the way there, I said hello to Mr. Columbo! Hello, Mr. Columbo! I like your, speech pattern! I wish I could talk so, like that!

Thank you for the permission to visit Gus, Miss Partridge! Your top is such a pretty pink! I think Gus would look pretty in pink, what do you all think? I talked with Mr. Gus and learned about his experience here at the facility with the Crimson Eye. I don't think crimson looks as good on you as pink, Mr. Gus. We talked until an announcement played over the intercom. The person speaking had such a nice voice!

After that, I went into the Killing Game Labs, spotting Mr. Dodo going into the Armory. When I arrived at the Labs, I saw Mr. Bradimir! Hello, Mr. Bradimir! That is a lot of documents you were holding! You were... wait!

[Image: S2e5_Paul_Robertson_Giffany_furious.gif]
Mr. Bradimir was stealing documents from the Bureau, and stealing is wrong! Where are your manners, Mr. Bradimir? I have been taught all sorts of manners!

He ran out of the room! It seems like Mr. Bradimir likes running! I chased after him, because stealing is wrong! I followed him onto the shuttle tracks, where he called a shuttle across! I ducked out of the way of it! I believe what I felt in that time was, "adrenaline". Have you ever felt "adrenaline" before? Does everyone feel "adrenaline" if they are about to die? I should ask Dr. Liz Grayson to tell me more about her "adrenaline"!

I passed out from the "adrenaline". I was only able to get back one document, which I showed everyone earlier today. Then, I was woken up again by...

[Image: S2e5_Paul_Robertson_Giffany_excited.gif]
Mr. Hexley! Hello, Mr. Hexley! I like your, lingering scent of alcohol! He told that that I looked "homeless" doing this. Could you tell me more about this "homeless"? I would like to learn more! He accompanied me to the business meeting! How sweet and gentlemanly of him! I was really excited to learn more about business, because so many of you seem to care about business! Maybe someday I will become good at, business too! When I was there, I saw what most other people saw, including Dr. Liz Grayson, no longer deceased! That means we can get to know each other better now! Hello, Dr. Liz Grayson! You look different! Did you do something new with your hair? I like your new look!

When she went running out of the meeting, I followed her, to get to know her better! Unfortunately, I could not locate her around the Receiving Bay, where her trail of fluids led. I peeked in the elevator shaft while I was there, but I saw nothing significant. I hope the Bureau can repair this elevator soon! That hole seems like it might be a safety hazard!

I went back towards my bed, but before I did, I visited the doggy! This "anomaly" is so cute! I wanted to pet it! Would anyone like to pet the "anomaly" with me tonight? How could an "anomaly" be so cute?! It is a doggy! Hi, doggy!
[Image: ezgif-1-327c8a09e3.gif]
(Jan 4, 2024 at 5:41 PM)Nashu Mhakaracca Wrote: I'd like to show off the Crimson Eye Poster I found!

Also, is there an actual gate that needs to open for a person to access the tunnel from Gate #2 and vice versa? If so, does it make a significant noise that you could hear from outside?
You show off your poster...

[Image: spooksposter3_hl5sxb.png]

You then look at Gate #2. It appears as though there is a gate, but it would only block vehicles or large items. You can easily step around it, or under or over it.
Maximillion Pegasus
[Image: MaximillionPegasus-DULI-CutIn.png]

My sincerest apologies for my late testimony. I will try to keep things brief so as to expedite the nearly over investigation.

I woke up and decided I would conduct an archaeological dig in the Black Forest. On my way, I saw Momoyo clumsily digging a trench near the mine. Clearly not as experienced at this as I am.

In the Black Forest, I stumbled around by moonlight since I had foolishly forgotten a light source. After finding a clearing I dug up a rather boring artifact, an old miner's helmet. As I attempted to leave, I was waylaid by a brown bear, surviving only by playing dead long enough for him to lose interest.

I managed to find my way back by the lights on the Patio, where I saw Niles drinking coffee and reading a newspaper. I also saw Raregold approaching from the front of the facility. I went inside to check out the sermon, although with my immense wealth I hardly need tips on generating more.

I arrived there mid-presentation, as the DXHustler was trying to shut up Lily, who was presenting some horrific ape pictures. In the audience were Lita, Tinkaton, Jonsohn, Revy, Giffany, and some other mysterious person I couldn't identify. Out of nowhere (well, out of the Director's office), Morgan was thrown violently into the crowd, knocking out Lily.

I capped my night off by checking out the Archaelogy Office, since it was most pertinent to my skillset. I saw Indiana Jones there as well, a fellow scholar in the field. I saw him go for his classic whip. I can't blame him, it's served him well.
[Image: JzmhF4f.png]



[Image: Winkhand_bakmwu.png]

I am Spooks, the Magical Catâ„¢! I am programmed to provide witness accounts for all Risk Incidents when able in order to properly assess the situation and conceptualize solutions as to how to prevent future occurrences.

Please standby, I shall recount my recorded memory of the night.

[Image: hmm_zjyqfo.png]

Early on in the evening, [AGENT DESIGNATION - PHENERA] passed through the Checkpoint - !METAL OBJECTS DETECTED! - rousing me from Standby Mode. I went outside the Security Office, but I could not discern the direction of her travel once she left the building.

A short time had passed, when my sensors picked up a potential break in at BPI-1946's containment cell. Immediate attendance was required. I traveled to B1F and confronted [AGENT DESIGNATION - MORGAN] outside. [AGENT DESIGNATION - COLUMBO] spoke in his defense, however, and I detected a 76.4% concentration of logical statements in his dialogue, so I engaged my trust protocol and spoke with him instead, as the containment cell was not breached.

[Image: Hi_bmv20e.png]

As we were exchanging information in Dispatch, I conducted a routine inspection of the Dispatch equipment inventory once we had finished - we are missing a few pieces of equipment since last inventory inspection. I then returned to the upper floors of the facility. A large group event was present in the Facility Lobby, which gave me safety concerns, however it appeared for the moment to be a non-physical seminar so I allowed it to continue under the outlines for acceptable events present on Page 43 of the Code of Conduct.

In the Lobby, [AGENT DESIGNATION - WALMART JOHN FINAL FANTASY 14] asked me if my hardware was capable of running online video games. I run on a closed intranet system, so I would not be an effective device for these purposes. I saw [AGENT DESIGNATION - REVY] afterwards along with [AGENT DESIGNATION - LITA]. The former went to the Anomaly Hall, the latter went to the Checkpoint and !METAL OBJECTS DETECTED!.

[Image: Winkhand_bakmwu.png]

[AGENT DESIGNATION - CIEL] requested that I page [AGENT DESIGNATION - DR. LYRA ORPHEUS] to view a presentation alongside herself and Astrid in the meeting room. I did so, though [AGENT DESIGNATION - DR. LYRA ORPHEUS] displayed signs of displeasure at the notion of attending. I proceeded to return to the Security Office and witnessed [AGENT DESIGNATION - LITA] viewing the CCTV feeds. I observed with her and

[Image: spiral_grytvi.png]




[Image: Panic_s0uhcc.png]


!DE-ESCALATING EMERGENCY MODE! - Escape Likelihood - 89.6%

[Image: hmm_zjyqfo.png]

...I had witnessed someone involved in a potential Critical Incident in the Black Forest. A potential emergency situation had almost occurred, however the individual was able to flee safely, it seems. [AGENT DESIGNATION - LITA] left the Security Office, and I was joined by [AGENT DESIGNATION - RIKI] who expanded my internal dictionary with the following terms: "Mechon", "Nopon".

I am grateful, however after he departed I was alerted of a Yellow-Class Anomaly being removed from its containment unit. Upon investigating, the perpetrator was found to be [AGENT DESIGNATION - INDIANA JONES (OLD)], who was attempting to steal Anomalous Items above the Acceptable Use Threat Threshold. He fled my attempted apprehension.

[Image: Winkhand_bakmwu.png]

I believe that is all. Thank you for listening - and have a magical day!
Indiana Jones (Old)
I'd like to knock on the door to BPI-2101 and ask what he saw and heard over the course of the night.
Izumi Konata
Spooks, which anomaly is BPI-3920? I don't see it on the map
can we scope out the mineshaft? supposedly a part of the murder weapon is there
If Pegasus consents can I look at the mine helmet he dug up to see if I can glean any more information from it?
Dr. Niles Crane
Seeing as the murder is now solved, I'd like to present the scrap of paper I picked up outside the Observatory.

I'm sorry for neglecting to mention this earlier - it didn't seem connected to the case at hand, and doesn't really seem connected to any of the mysteries surrounding this place. But perhaps someone else might see something I'm missing.
I see that now we have some downtime. That is appreciated, as solving a murder is quite tiring! Now seems like a great time for bonding events!

[Image: S2e5_Paul_Robertson_Giffany_asking.gif]
Hello, the Hunter! I am calling you "the Hunter" because you have asked me to! I love your outfit, it is so festive!

Did you mention where you are from before? I would love to get to know you more! Where are you from? What brings you to this facility? Do you enjoy traveling? I think I enjoy traveling!
[Image: ezgif-1-327c8a09e3.gif]
(Jan 4, 2024 at 7:47 PM)Indiana Jones (Old) Wrote: I'd like to knock on the door to BPI-2101 and ask what he saw and heard over the course of the night.

(Jan 4, 2024 at 7:55 PM)Izumi Konata Wrote: Spooks, which anomaly is BPI-3920? I don't see it on the map


(Jan 4, 2024 at 7:59 PM)Ciel Wrote: can we scope out the mineshaft? supposedly a part of the murder weapon is there
You check out the Mine Shaft...

[Image: mineshaft_bwwrhl.png]

The tunnel is better lit than you would expect, though the lamps are incredibly old and you're surprised they're still running at all. You look down the minecart tracks, which disappear further into the darkness of the tunnel as the lamps slowly grow dimmer.

You notice a crate of dynamite and a barrel, and shortly after entering the darkness, you find a pickaxe. You continue further into the dark, following the sound of a rhythmic clanging in the background. Eventually, it is too dark to continue, and proper navigation seems to require a map in order to avoid getting lost. You turn around and return to the entrance, the rhythmic clanging growing quieter as you head further back into the light.

By the time you are outside, you no longer hear it.
Indiana Jones (Old)
Huh? Is Trip not in there anymore?
Izumi Konata
Uh, everything okay, Spooks?
(Jan 4, 2024 at 8:04 PM)Lita Wrote: If Pegasus consents can I look at the mine helmet he dug up to see if I can glean any more information from it?
You examine Pegasus' mining helmet. It looks like an old school miner's helmet from probably a century ago. It has a headlamp strapped to the front and is extremely filthy. A label is on it, reading PROPERTY OF but the name coming after has been long worn off.

It seems very sturdy, sturdier than you would expect. Whoever's wearing this would probably be pretty safe, which piques Spooks' interest.

(Jan 4, 2024 at 8:08 PM)Dr. Niles Crane Wrote: Seeing as the murder is now solved, I'd like to present the scrap of paper I picked up outside the Observatory.

I'm sorry for neglecting to mention this earlier - it didn't seem connected to the case at hand, and doesn't really seem connected to any of the mysteries surrounding this place. But perhaps someone else might see something I'm missing.
You present your own scrap of paper...

[Image: 0U9UcWI.png]

Riki wonder something. What Bloody Face in most north building, 3999? Riki remember other mirror item Beer Bottle, one stiff Hom Hom took today. Heropon confused...
Izumi Konata
Go through the black forest to find the weird lantern creature that was mentioned

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