[Image: spooks1_aqgizm.png]

Ahaha, it appears as though moral convictions aren’t quite as important as you’ve led each other to believe. I’m pleased to inform you that none have fallen at the hands of the motive.

At the same time… a twinge of pity.. I would have liked to turn one of you into an example, especially as your progress has stalled. Need I remind you that your numbers are getting low. I will happily bleed you to the last drop if I must.

[Image: happy1_vqtggs.png]

Perhaps I should have preserved the life of your pacifistic souper. He would have served this purpose well.

[Image: newdrink_lxldk9.png]

Yeah, I dunno what kind of pussies you think we are, but I’ll happily take a swing at someone if it means I get to stay alive to kick your ass later. Especially with another Crimbo in the mix. At that point, it’s just fair game. I ain't gonna let down everyone who believed in me by letting your dumbass motive kill me. Besides, I already shot a guy once, what’s another?

[Image: pendant-4_owyt8p.png]

Wait, wait. Hold on. Uh… just in case he turns up dead, that doesn’t mean I did it. Don’t go pointing your fingers at me!

[Image: new2_jjeqde.png]

Kyehehehe, sure it doesn’t! Unlike you, I’m keeping my lips sealed. My intent? My motive? My complex multi-layered scheme that nobody would ever figure out? All hidden within the boundless depths of my mind.

Of course, I’ve studied Killing Games. I know all the ins and outs. I’m unstoppable, an expert in the field! Kyahaha!

[Image: pendant-3_tgykl1.png][Image: madglassesclear_fxmhfr.png]

So it was you then. Cool. I’ll mark that down.


[Image: Panic_s0uhcc.png]

[ALERT]! Please refrain from arguments involving potential perpetration of murder. This incentive, much like the [EVENT DESIGNATION - MASQUERADE], seems to be intended to divide us further and weaken our trust.


[Image: Winkhand_bakmwu.png]

The Employee Handbook (pg. 5) states that trust is the most valuable asset between employees in instances of significant danger. In this instance, we should comply with protocol and trust each other until sufficient evidence is found.

With that in mind, you can be assured that I am [VERDICT: INNOCENT], as the taking of a life is strictly against workplace safety standards. Thank you!

[Image: slightly-disgruntled_dk1vhu.png]

Ugh… Look, I… don’t feel great about last night either… but there’s bigger questions to ask right now than who did it.

For example… who died?

[Image: hehesybol_bvhbdl.png]

Ahahaha, I do so love that question! Behold!


[Image: Day-8--Death_vgoxyw.png]

@Alan Wake has been found dead in the Arboretum, suffering increased decomposition.

Their role was…

role card:

Additionally, Gus Odeon has been found dead in the Arcana Lab, badly burned and covered in ash.

His role was...

role card:

[Image: day8_pzzr0e.png]

Case Files:
  • Alan Wake is lying dead in the Arboretum
  • His throat appears to be slashed, and he is suffering from significant decomposition
  • His right arm is damaged and he appears to be nude
  • Gus is lying on the floor of the Arcana Lab
  • His body is burned beyond recognition and covered in ash.
  • He is suffering many other injuries
  • A third body mangled beyond recognition and also burned, is lying on te shores of the Underground Lake
  • There are various bloody knives around the facility.
  • The Mining Equipment room has been destroyed by an explosion.
  • The Chaotic Seal room has also been damaged by an explosion

Other Info:
  • A path leading through the forest has been lit up, leading to the Forest Relay Station.
  • The power to the Service Elevator has been disabled.
  • One or more Anomalies have been removed from containment.
  • The Communications rooms has been [ENABLED]

[Image: Mapicon_lnnyum.png]

[Image: HISTORICAL_smdzrp.png]

room descriptions:

[Image: map9_1.9_au7zg7.png]

room descriptions:

[Image: b1f_jho3v9.png]

room descriptions:

[Image: B2F_wjghct.png]

room descriptions:

[Image: current_mnzvbw.png]

History Team

@Indiana Jones (Old)

Survey Team


Research Team

@Izumi Konata
@Nashu Mhakaracca


  • Astrid
  • Dexter Hexley
  • Dr. Lyra Orpheus
  • Nancy Partridge & BPI-2300
  • Spooks, The Magical Cat™

Please post all investigation questions in this thread, and try to post major theories here, for ease.

Day 8 begins now.

Day 8 will end on Saturday, June 1st at 8 PM, PST.

The Trial will begin later, after time has been had to investigate the case and each involved character has testified in some fashion.

If both killers are correctly caught, he next night incentive will be milder. If they are not, there will be a second Forced Atempt incentive.

[Image: ah_lm8jfp.png]

The janitor… I mean… I guess I expected that. Everyone probably had a target on him, but… it makes me wonder just how far he got in whatever plan he was trying to put into action. Maybe we managed to stop him. I mean…that creep in the mask would’ve said something if he broke a seal, right?

[Image: cheshold_scmzmv.png]

Mr. Wake though… I mean, I wasn’t really a fan of most of his work. I made fun of him, I called him a hack, but… I guess he deserved better.

[Image: 23solo2_go5jcg.png]

A shame indeed. Wake was an ally of Dodo and his ilk, an ally of mine by extension - despite his equine inclinations. I pray his murderer is brought to justice, if only to further allow Dodo’s soul rest. But as far as the matter of souls extend… There is still yet work to be done, despite my efforts.

[Image: solonance1_nbquwp.png]

23, really I know you’re worried about me, but I’m fine. DXHustler has no hate in their heart, they seek only to deliver us towards a brighter future. They alone can free us from this prison, you know that, right?

So stop spending so much time around that little Morgan and let us eliminate him, please. If you really care about me, you’ll take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

[Image: 23solo4_uabbqc.png]

No. They may have prove to be elusive prey, but I will not cease my hunt. It is only a matter of time. Morgan understands my plight, he seeks to help you too. You’ve been grasped by the unholy claws of the false light, and we shall free you yet.

[Image: 23solo1_fgn57i.png]

…I swear it. As many attempts as it takes.

check out gus' groin i bet that's where the biggest damage was dealt
[Image: S2e5_Paul_Robertson_Giffany_glare.gif]


Investigate Alan's body further, and the surrounding Arboretum.

I am, so sorry, Derleth. We will find your, killer. This is a promise.
[Image: ezgif-1-327c8a09e3.gif]
(May 31, 2024 at 3:08 AM)Pea Wrote: check out gus' groin i bet that's where the biggest damage was dealt
You stare at Gus' groin. It is severely damaged by fire like the rest of him, but isnt otherwise notable, you freak.

(May 31, 2024 at 3:12 AM)Giffany Wrote: [Image: S2e5_Paul_Robertson_Giffany_glare.gif]


Investigate Alan's body further, and the surrounding Arboretum.

I am, so sorry, Derleth. We will find your, killer. This is a promise.
You investigate Alan's body and the greater room. It is suffering from more than the usual decomposition, likely because... it is REALLY hot and muggy and in here, god damn. His throat has been slashed by some manner of blade, and there is a wound on his head as well. He has some minor head bruises, and his right arm appears to have some strange burns on it.

Additionally, there is vomit on the Arboretum floor and a trail of blood leading into the Climate Controls. It doesn't look like there's much else going on in the Arboretum beyond that though.
Look closer at these, strange burns. What makes them so, strange? Is it their shape?
[Image: ezgif-1-327c8a09e3.gif]
(May 31, 2024 at 3:32 AM)Giffany Wrote: Look closer at these, strange burns. What makes them so, strange? Is it their shape?
They don't appear to be fire burns like Gus has, instead, they appear to be severe chemical burns.
Give both bodies a good once over of their injuries. Start matching knives with Alan's wound. Kitchen knife, box cutter, japanese sword?
Decontamination see use? Vomit on floor... maybe Hom Hom teleporty Derleth around?
Also check Climate Controls, plus bloody trail. Derleth pow-pow killer before gone?

Heropon look at Gus too. "Many other injuries" says bad bad mask, so Riki see what happen to him.

Soth-Soth... Riki still feel useless, but not afraid anymore. Hastur find truth, no matter what...
Indiana Jones (Old)
- I wake up in my house in the Lost City.
- I head outside and go to the Lost City Outpost where I check out the computers. I find an IRC log and print it out.
- A gorilla walks in from the laser hallway. It gives me a thumbs up and says "YEAH". It heads toward the Occultic Seal. Riki enters from the Occultic Seal.
- I leave and go to Mining Equipment.
- I grab C4 and a jackhammer.
- On my way back out somebody jumps out at me from the shadows. I parry them, steal the shovel, and smack them in the head. However, they are unaffected because of their hard hat. They are also wearing coveralls, a dust mask, and safety goggles. They flee out toward the elevator.
- I enter the Drafting Office. Somebody is using the CNC machine to print out a pipe. I grab a compass.
- On my way back to the chasm I encounter Gus in the mine shaft. I try to stab him in the neck with my compass but he grabs me by the arm and tosses me into a wall.
- I get back up and continue to the Chaotic Seal.
- I try to get through the stone door using the jackhammer but fail. There is some sort of magical barrier.
- Next I try setting up the C4. I run back out to the bridge and detonate. It blows up everything BUT the stone door.
- I return back to my house. Along the way I see another gorilla, this one shorter than the gorilla I saw previously.
- The corpse that helped me perform my excavator jump has returned and is hanging out inside.
- I go to sleep.
Alan Wake
[Image: woOvXzx.jpeg]

This is the ritual to lead you on.
Your friends will meet him when you're gone.
Riki peek in Aux Bathrooms. All stalls, and sink too. Thorough!
Is the Great Purifier loose? If yes, please prepare to not get Daykilled by it.
I'll show you a real dance....
Izumi Konata
Check both Alan Wake's room and I guess Gus's room
Izumi Konata
Oh yeah, check out the VHS receiver, did any new movies get made?
(May 31, 2024 at 3:45 AM)Columbo Wrote: Give both bodies a good once over of their injuries. Start matching knives with Alan's wound. Kitchen knife, box cutter, japanese sword?
You check out Gus' body. He is extremely charred, as though tossed onto a bonfire, but beyond that he also seems to have a very large amount of stab wounds in his body, as well as blunt force trauma. His body is covered with ash, and is lying on top of ash as well.

You then check Alan's body, mostly to compare his wounds. The decomposition has not been kind to the wound, and it is difficult to match up the edges if at all due to the heat and moisture damage to the tissue. The most you can really discern is that whatever caused the wound must have been very short blade and not something like a katana or other sword.

(May 31, 2024 at 3:51 AM)Riki Wrote: Decontamination see use? Vomit on floor... maybe Hom Hom teleporty Derleth around?
Also check Climate Controls, plus bloody trail. Derleth pow-pow killer before gone?
Decontamination appears to have been used once, upon checking.

After Decontamination, you look at at Climate Control, following the blood trail from Alan's body. There is a large amount of blood splatter on the walls and pooling on the floor, which is what comprises the trail.

(May 31, 2024 at 5:56 AM)Riki Wrote: Riki peek in Aux Bathrooms. All stalls, and sink too. Thorough!
You conduct a very thorough search of the Aux. Bathrooms. You don't find anything. Literally nothing is out of place about this room.

(May 31, 2024 at 6:16 AM)Morgan Wrote: Is the Great Purifier loose? If yes, please prepare to not get Daykilled by it.
Thankfully, the Great Purifier appears to be contained. The robed figure is sitting tranquilly inside, scythe across its lap.

(May 31, 2024 at 6:17 AM)Izumi Konata Wrote: Check both Alan Wake's room and I guess Gus's room
You decide to check the rooms of the deceased. Gus' room contains his lockbox, locked tightly. There is also a broom in the corner.

Checking Alan's room, you mostly just find an old typewriter. And Barry, who is munching happily on his bedsheets.
[Image: FtG9XIw.png]

You ruined my favourite shirt. They don't produce these garments overseas...

Still, Judas. Nice try. But it will never work.

Let's survey the damage to the Director's Office.
Beyond sigma. Life coach and trading consultant. V.I.P blogger and investigator. Trader in rare fish and various oddities. Contact for free business conundrums.
For thoroughness' sake, check out the fairy circle in the woods. Do we have burn marks? How about any blood, any vomit, anything out of place in the vicinity?
Shout out to Rose for the base talksprite
[Image: S2e5_Paul_Robertson_Giffany_asking.gif]
Hello, everyone! It seems that Alan Wake is, dead. That is a shame. I wish I could have gotten to know him better, as a fellow member of the, Abyss Team! Thankfully, it seems that Gus Odean is also dead, again. That is not a shame! I think all, Crimson Eye members should return to the pit they crawled out from! Do you think they should return to, the pit they crawled out from?

There is, no point in keeping this secret. Mr. Wake and I had a, plan for last night. It did not play out as, intended. This is because he died.

[Image: S2e5_Paul_Robertson_Giffany_walking.gif]
Here is what was, meant to happen.

Mr. Wake and I were to, meet early in the night. We chose a place we assumed nobody would visit: the back room of the, Arboretum. When we were there, I would help him, hide for the night while he gave me his clothes and, belongings.

With those tucked in my coat, I would retrieve the body of, Walmart John Finalfantasy14. I would take him into the woods, dress him up as, Mr. Wake, and then burn his body. Meanwhile, from the safety of the other room, Mr. Wake would utilize his, typewriter to create the effect that I had traveled with him into the woods.

With both of these elements combined, we would fool the, Mastermind into thinking that I had killed Mr. Wake. They would see me drag Mr. Wake out from the, burning Forest Relay Station, and toss the body into the chasm, where they could not investigate it further to figure out it was not Mr. Wake. I would benefit from the incentive, while also keeping my Abyss team member reasonably, safe.

[Image: S2e5_Paul_Robertson_Giffany_shy.gif]
The truth is, because this plan was to be enacted so early into the night, I did not consider the, possibility that Mr. Wake would be dead when I arrived to the Arboretum. I had no alternative for this situation, so...

Let me explain my night in, full detail.

[Image: S2e5_Paul_Robertson_Giffany_with_binder.gif]
I began my night by, letting out the doggy! I do this every night! Hello, doggy! You are so cute when you are getting, head scratches! With my coat on, I started heading upstairs through the, Leisure Center. Up at the patio, I encountered Gus Odean. Hello, Mr. Odean! You are, abhorrent! He charged at me, and I, attempted to taser him, which did not work! He slammed into the patio, so hard that the wood cracked! Mr. Odean must have been really strong! Do you think he, went to the Leisure Center every day?

When I woke up again, I saw Mr. Columbo and someone in a cat mask! Hello, you two! The cat mask is, so cute! I wish I had a, cute cat mask to wear! Then I could match with Spooks! Mr. Columbo and the cat mask did not enjoy me listening into their conversation, so I quickly left to meet with, Mr. Wake.

I arrived to the Arboretum, and Mr. Wake was... deceased. He had a cut on his, throat, a head injury, and a burned arm. I'm sorry, Mr. Wake, for not asking your permission! But without another choice, I stripped his body of his, clothes. I tucked those into my coat, and continued on. For his sake, I needed to see our, plan through to the end!

I hurried outside towards the, lake, to go retrieve Mr. Finalfantasy14's body. While I was going, I suddenly felt someone attack me from behind! They wrapped a piece of cloth around my throat! Hello, mysterious assailant! I am, hitting you with the Brutal Blows bond perk! They stumbled back, and I turned around to discover it was, Pea! Hello, Pea! You are, very bad at protecting the Liturgic Seal! I punched them again before hurrying on to the, boathouse.

[Image: S2e5_Paul_Robertson_Giffany_inquiring.gif]
Once the coast was clear, I grabbed a can of gas and some rope from the, boathouse. I think using gas to start fires is so interesting! Do you think using gas to start fires is interesting? I crossed the frozen lake by foot, arriving at the other side and seeing... Niles Crane, wearing his rabbit mask, sitting in a raft? Hello, Mr. Crane! You are, not real, right?! I reached out to grab him, and my hand moved, right through him! Thank goodness! I am not prepared for, another Crimson Eye revival!

I found the body of Mr. Finalfantasy14 and tie it with the, rope to drag him along with me. Once I got across the lake near the Black Forest, I ducked into the trees and, dressed him like Mr. Wake. On my way through, I discovered the, lit up walkway to the Forest Relay Station! That was very convenient! When I made it to the, back side of the Station, I heard something rustling in the bushes, but it was moving away from me.

With nobody around, I used Mr. Wake's flare gun to, melt the horse mask to his face. Then, I doused his body and the, inside of the Station with gasoline. I tossed the body inside, and used the flare gun to ignite a, big fire! It was really bright! What do you think of bright fires? It didn't burn too long, so when it seemed, safe enough to go inside, I went in and retrieved the burnt-up corpse. I lugged it to the, edge of the chasm in the forest, before dropping it down. When I turned back around...

[Image: S2e5_Paul_Robertson_Giffany_worried.gif]
H̶̻͝͝e̶̥̯͆l̸̛͑ͅl̶̼͍̓̀o̶̹͇̽,̸͙̅ ̸̳͗͂Ṱ̴̢̋̔h̶̘̏̍ẹ̵̥̚ ̵͐͗ͅM̵͔͊͌a̷̩̟͒͝ŝ̵̮̲̈́t̸̢͆ẻ̵̹̕r̴̟̈́́m̴̺͚͌̉i̸͔͒n̴̡̉d̷̝̳̈́!̵̦̐̂ You are, standing riḡ̴̛̞h̸̬̿̅t̶̤͆̈ ̶̢̫̹͋̄͘͘ͅb̶͇͇̫͠ͅë̴̘́̄̽͝h̴̩̙̜͋i̸̪͑ñ̶̩͙ͅͅd̵̡̮̓ͅ ̶͕̑͌͘m̶͍̲̈́e̸̢̘̝͉̔̎̽!̵̤̪̈́͌ Have you ever tried, respecting personal space?

They were there because I, had wanted them to be there to see me throw the body of "Mr. Wake" into the, chasm. Unfortunately, they were not fooled by the, ruse. I do not blame them. They laughed at me and claimed that they would, always get what they want. I guess they did want the, death of one of us Abyss members... There will be more difficulty if they want the, Codex Nocturnum, though! Ha Ha! Ha Ha!

After our exchange ended, I emerged from the Forest by the, Patio. I went downstairs and through the Leisure Center, where I noticed a, bloody knife on the floor! Hello, bloody knife! There are apparently, lots of you in the Facility today! From there, I went to bed.

To ensure that it is, seen, investigate the third body by the, edge of the Underground Lake.
[Image: ezgif-1-327c8a09e3.gif]
hey, mask man, is spooks actually exempt from the forced attempt rule?
(May 31, 2024 at 10:44 AM)DxHustler3000 Wrote: [Image: FtG9XIw.png]

You ruined my favourite shirt. They don't produce these garments overseas...

Still, Judas. Nice try. But it will never work.

Let's survey the damage to the Director's Office.
You enter the Director's Office. The place, much like everywhere else on this fucking map apparently, appears as though it has been ravaged by fire. Most everything in here is destroyed, and the LCD faux-fishtank is covered in error messages like the Occultic Seal. There are strange runes carved all over the walls, innumerable in quantity.

(May 31, 2024 at 1:20 PM)Phenera Wrote: For thoroughness' sake, check out the fairy circle in the woods. Do we have burn marks? How about any blood, any vomit, anything out of place in the vicinity?
You walk out through the Black Forest, following the instructions to get to the fairy circle. There is no blood or vomit, but the grass in the center of the circle appears to be somewhat scorched.

(May 31, 2024 at 3:17 PM)Giffany Wrote: To ensure that it is, seen, investigate the third body by the, edge of the Underground Lake.
While Phenera checks the fairy circle, you head down to the Underground Lakefront to check out the body. This body is... terribly mangled, with many broken bones. Their clothing is scorched and their skin is badly burned. A HORSE MASK is fused to their face by heat. A reminder of everyone's sins. This body does not appear to have much on it, though a broken flare gun and gas can are lying nearby.

(May 31, 2024 at 3:28 PM)Pea Wrote: hey, mask man, is spooks actually exempt from the forced attempt rule?
[Image: hehe_aypbjd.png]

Ahahaha, but of course! That little automaton is a thorn in my side much like the rest of you. Likewise, it too is bound by the rules of the ritual. Besides, I would be a fool to deny myself the entertainment that stems from watching such a being scramble to put together something that counts as a murder attempt, wouldn't I?

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