Yeah I guess
Agent Evangeline
NPC Introduction #6: Agent Evangeline

"Oh. Don't mind me."

Agent Evangeline
Who's this one?
Previous Appearances: None, apparently
No seriously we got nothing here

"I'm just your average, ordinary intern. Signed up a few days ago to make sure that everything here flows smoothly. There's not really much special about me, compared to the others.

Especially the set owner. Crimson Eye... I'm surprised he's so blatant about it, with how much the organization tries to keep members a secret. That kind of arrogance comes from somewhere, but is it stupidity, confidence, or both?

Regardless. I'm mostly interested in paranormal phenomena, if you want to talk to me. Oh, and mysteries of all kinds, really.

Oh, and before I go... please contact me if the name "Atua" means anything to you. I'd be very interested to hear what you have to say."

[Image: rolandugh_zzncwg.png]

Huh? Where the hell is this...?

[Image: rolandnormal_uwrx9r.png]

All this old-fashioned construction, nothing but dirt, rocks, and tumbleweeds for miles... Not like any district of the City I've ever seen. Must be somewhere deep in the Outskirts.

Hah.... I thought taking a job for the Bureau of Paranormal Investigation would take me somewhere with a bit more greenery...

[Image: rolandsigh_jjwkvk.png]

So much for that "Mirror Lake", huh? Ah, well... this is this, and that's that. I guess a low-grade Fixer like me can't complain. A job's a job, and it's nice to not have to fight for even the lowest bidder.

Besides, there's no way I'm taking the train back...

[Image: rolandhuh_zotcqe.png]

(Hm. There's a talking cat... and some guy with a toilet for a head. I wonder if those are some of those Abormalities I've heard about... Better watch my back out here.)

[Image: rolandsmile_k8c98v.png]

Well, seeing as I'm stuck out here for the foreseeable future - you can call me Roland.

Don't mind me, I'm just a washed-up Grade 9 Fixer. You can think of me like a helping hand for hire. Some Fixers work as private security, some do detective work, and some even work on whaling ships and hunt monsters. Don't expect too much out of me though, Grade 9's the lowest of the low. I'm not as strong or resilient as you might expect, y'know?

[Image: rolandhuh_zotcqe.png]

...Just lemme know if you hear anything about this "Atua" guy, alright? I'll be in the Saloon, if you need anything.

If there... is a Saloon, I mean.
Could someone help me?

I was wondering

has anyone seen this woman?

[Image: p8Q3g9C.png]
A lone figure catches your eye. A mime, a clown...? Someone who appears to have a painted face.

[Image: 4Opwn1j.png]

... 🤠👋

She smiles vacantly, not a word leaving her lips. It seems she is mute. You can't think of any problems this might cause.
Marisa Kirisame
[Image: Marisa-Annoyed.png]

Phew, finally lost that gap hag. She's so persistent...
Good thing I found an opening in the barrier, would have ended badly otherwise.

[Image: Marisa-Shocked.png]

Actually, where am I? This doesn't look like Japan. Oh, yo, that's a lot of people here too.

[Image: Marisa-Neutral.png]

Name's Marisa, good to meet you all! This seems like an interesting place, so don't mind if I stay around!
ill tentatively sign up as a backup for if one ends up being absolutely needed
(Dec 7, 2024 at 7:20 PM)Neil Marshall Wrote:
[Image: neil-normal(b).gif]
What, wonderin' what the cat's dragged in? Can't blame ya'.

[Image: 1271c2a832609c939c70c4bb8f3cecbc30357d68.pnj]


He paws at a small button in front of him and the screen still reads the words 'Beach Boy' before a voice comes on.

"Hey dude, my bad! Didn’t realize you all wanted to catch a glimpse of my latest haul, man!"

[Image: 1b08add0ca68dbcb90e6baca9dd4983497d933c7.pnj]


He stomps roughly on the button before proudly showing off his spoils. The screen glitches to 'Pirate Accent'.

"Arrr, 'tis a slithery serpent!"
Marisa Kirisame
[Image: Marisa-Shocked.png]

Damn, what a cute cat youkai, I wonder if he'd be annoyed at me petting him...
Madame Zalsarona
[Image: 527fbb1c4d353fe9a2d90c4a34936d371a57d803.pnj]


[Image: 98d09c57f61108a80cb8d0cc24a8d8e3c132297e.pnj]


[Image: 119cda88dfc54b7029b7a1bf253951820cef22ff.pnj]


Ah, Miguel! Over here, over here!

[Image: 88a8060b65dd247165251eddabe788d21eb67d4d.pnj]

"Thank you. Leave the barrel there. I have someone care for it later.

Be an apple pie and return to the truck.

[Image: 0786683adfc5b634640278505bc7944cc176ff57.gifv]

Please forgive this commotion. I am with the catering, charged with providing lunchables for the actors after the shooting.

My name is Madame Zalsarona. You can call me Zaza if you want.

[Image: a2bb357d2dbc2a42f9ec17c90099c6212c9be994.pnj]

In my homeland of Zaffra, that is "Auntie".
Strong Bad
Oh wow, a crapfully made western movie lot. Seems like just the place to check my freaking emails.

(this is Kabuto dupe)
Theodore Noise
Great news, everyone! This production just got a whole lot classier, now that Theodore Noise, or otherwise known as The Noise is here!

Sure, my ratings might have been down the toilet recently, but mark my words; this is my big comeback special!
North Star
[Image: starlosignup01_daam0b.png]

[Image: starlosignup02_q8wngz.png]

[Image: starlosignup03_wcexd9.png]
Hello! I'm Ajitani Hifumi, but you can just call me Hifumi. I came because I heard I could find some rare Peroro merch here. By the looks of things finding any may take some treasure hunting.
Maybe I could make do with that cute cat...
(Dec 10, 2024 at 5:22 AM)Marisa Kirisame Wrote: Damn, what a cute cat youkai, I wonder if he'd be annoyed at me petting him...

(Dec 11, 2024 at 11:21 PM)Hifumi Wrote: Maybe I could make do with that cute cat...

[Image: b301d43ba00116f6d867bf728f7a3b620be5ad3b.pnj]


Having no concept of spelling the translator remains on 'Pirate Accent' as he happily paws down.

"Aye, I be quite the charming scallywag!"
(Dec 11, 2024 at 11:21 PM)Hifumi Wrote: Hello! I'm Ajitani Hifumi, but you can just call me Hifumi. I came because I heard I could find some rare Peroro merch here. By the looks of things finding any may take some treasure hunting.
Maybe I could make do with that cute cat...

100% pure gamer 100%
(Dec 11, 2024 at 11:21 PM)Hifumi Wrote: Hello! I'm Ajitani Hifumi, but you can just call me Hifumi. I came because I heard I could find some rare Peroro merch here. By the looks of things finding any may take some treasure hunting.
Maybe I could make do with that cute cat...
based twofinger
[Image: s2n7oi.png]
(Dec 12, 2024 at 11:54 AM)Draku Wrote:
(Dec 11, 2024 at 11:21 PM)Hifumi Wrote: Hello! I'm Ajitani Hifumi, but you can just call me Hifumi. I came because I heard I could find some rare Peroro merch here. By the looks of things finding any may take some treasure hunting.
Maybe I could make do with that cute cat...
based twofinger
you have to join as azusa now and kill her
(Dec 14, 2024 at 5:40 AM)Elyk Wrote:
(Dec 12, 2024 at 11:54 AM)Draku Wrote:
(Dec 11, 2024 at 11:21 PM)Hifumi Wrote: Hello! I'm Ajitani Hifumi, but you can just call me Hifumi. I came because I heard I could find some rare Peroro merch here. By the looks of things finding any may take some treasure hunting.
Maybe I could make do with that cute cat...
based twofinger
you have to join as azusa now and kill her
[Image: s2n7oi.png]

[Image: Screen-Shot-2025-01-03-at-2-21-32-AM.png]

"...Hiya, Luckies~!"

[Image: Screen-Shot-2025-01-03-at-2-22-59-AM.png]

"I'm the miracle super idol, Akira Kogami! You might not know me yet, but I'm one of Japan's biggest stars, now making her overseas debut! I'm really excited and honored to have this huge opportunity to star in my first overseas production so a biiig thank you to the production company and the crew for giving it to me! Not only am I going to be appearing in the film, it'll be in the super important role of the hero's darling love interest! That's right, it's the kind of role that any good movie's heart and soul rests on! It's set to be a thrilling tale full of adventure, daring stunts, and breaktaking romance if they found a script doctor who can salvage the absolute turkey they showed off to me so you won't want to miss it!"

"Well, we don't have any rehearsals or shooting until this afternoon, so if you need me for anything, I'll be in my private trailer 'til then!"

[Image: Screen-Shot-2025-01-03-at-2-26-18-AM.png]

"...I'll be in my private trailer 'til then..."

[Image: Screen-Shot-2025-01-03-at-2-26-50-AM.png]



[Image: Screen-Shot-2025-01-03-at-2-38-54-AM.png]

"...So I'll see you guys then when it's time to get to work! Bye-nee~!!!!!"

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