Was Osama bin Laden on the right side of history?

Thanks, most appreciated. I'll have a read later.
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I don't subscribe to the idea of any economic ideologies being "correct" or evil". For every situation, there's a particular plan that's best suited.

I have a subjective dissatisfaction with the pride and showboating America takes in killing Bin Laden. Perhaps he needed to be stopped, even killed. However, there is nothing to gain from us championing the fact his life was taken.

His beliefs, his plans, his followers, his agenda, and ultimately the war he helped begin has not ended. Taking a single man's head, especially one who does NOT have absolute monarchal rule, gains no one any favor. It's a false propagation of success, like saying a sports team has lost because the MVP broke his leg, even though it's only half-time and the rest of the team is highly capable.

There is one absolute truth that we do know: Osama Bin Laden and company hated North America for what we stand for. Rather than shooting guns and kicking ass, the only solution we really have is to have a renaissance of self-reflection, and understand why we aren't appreciated by such people. North America is certainly not without it's many poor decisions, corrupt government, and shadowy underbelly. It's disappointing the masses are still taking so long to realize this, though we are finally making a little progress in fixing this internally.

I would argue that our old regime of 70 year old politicians that are all in-bed with the old system will need to be unplugged with their life support before we will ever be on the objectively right side of any argument. Everything we say or do in the world has an ulterior motive right now.

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