Hibiki Tachibana's Splendid Day Off

Obtain Hakann, detransform, and go to meet up with the newly released Hibiki.
[Image: s2n7oi.png]

>Obtain Hakann and meet Hibiki

You take the Piraka and leave. You now have 3/6 Piraka.

Outside of the American embassy, you see Hibiki jogging up to you. "Hey!"

You can now issue separate commands for Hibiki and Miku.
[Image: U7dyPAD.png]
El Negro
Miku: Kiss Hibiki.

Hibiki: Kiss Hibiki.
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>Both of you kiss the other

You both kiss. It's very very gay.
[Image: U7dyPAD.png]
El Negro
Hibiki: Ask Miku if she has ligma.
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>Ask Miku if she has ligma

"Hibiki, I use the internet. I know that joke."
[Image: U7dyPAD.png]
Miku: Remove the pendant and give it to Zaktan, and see if he can activate it. We need an army to take down Obama
100% pure gamer 100%
El Negro
Hibiki: Dare Miku to perform a meme.
[Image: z839mDR.png]

>Give your pendant to Zaktan

You remove your pendant and give it to Zaktan. Nothing happens.

You then try saying Igalima's activation phrase. That causes a surprising reaction, a glowing green orb resulting. When it's done... Zaktan is still an inanimate Bionicle.

An inanimate Bionicle wearing Igalima, though. Complete with a Bionicle-sized scythe.

>Dare Miku to perform a meme

You dare Miku to meme. She responds by grabbing your disgusting bean concoction and throwing it across the sidewalk with a "YEET!"

It lands on top of Shirabe, covering her in beans and soup. Oops.
[Image: U7dyPAD.png]
El Negro
Hibiki: Yeet Miku off to Shirabe so she can apologize.
[Image: z839mDR.png]
take zaktan's zamor sphere launcher and add it to hibiki's symphogear as a new weapon in her arsenal for ranged combat
100% pure gamer 100%

>Yeet Miku onto Shirabe

You yeet Miku at Shirabe. She lands on top of the other girl. They are now both covered in beans and soup.

"...H-hello." "Miku why the fuck did Hibiki take Kirika's gear"

>Add the zamor sphere launcher to Gungnir

You remove the zamor sphere launcher and pocket it. You'll try integrating it into Gungnir later.
[Image: U7dyPAD.png]
Miku explains that it was necessary for, uh, this. And then show her the transformed Zaktan. She will understand.
[Image: s2n7oi.png]

>Explain why it was necessary

Shirabe looks at Zaktan for a long minute.

She sighs very, very deeply.

"Ask next time, okay? Also, drop by headquarters later. Genjuro wants to tell you about something in case you run into it on your day off."
[Image: U7dyPAD.png]
El Negro
Miku: Hug Shirabe. Romantically. Seduce her.

Hibiki: Sneakily steal Shirabe's stuff while Miku does that.
[Image: z839mDR.png]

>Seduce and rob Shirabe

You attempt to seduce Shirabe, but your efforts fall on deaf ears. She explains calmly that her heart belongs to Kirika, and nobody could ever take it away, except for maybe that really hot celebrity she saw on TV last night. But other than that, she would never go for anyone else.

She's too busy explaining this to notice Hibiki pilfering Shul-Shagana, though.
[Image: U7dyPAD.png]
find out who the hot celebrity from TV that shirabe saw was, so that we can find them and/or imitate them
100% pure gamer 100%

>Find out who the hot celebrity was

You ask Shirabe a few questions, and eventually determine that her celebrity crush is Scarlett Johansson.
[Image: U7dyPAD.png]
El Negro
Hibiki: Attempt to find Scarlett Johanson and call her fat.
[Image: z839mDR.png]

>Find Scarlett Johansson

You look up the current location of Scarlett Johansson on your phone. She is somewhere in Europe.

You decide that might be a bit out of your way.
[Image: U7dyPAD.png]

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