"As long as you are in my set, it is vital that you read and understand the map of Silver Junction so that you may properly film this movie.

Behold, for I have presented it below."

[Image: Wild_West_Map_1F.png]

First Floor:

[Image: Wild_West_Map_2F.png]

Second Floor:

"Now, decide upon your dormitories, as you will be sleeping in either the Desert Sage Dorm, the Prickly Pear Dorm, or the Century Agave Dorm.

Submit your dorms in order of preference. First come, first serve, for I only allow nine of you to each of the dorms."

[Image: rolandsigh_jjwkvk.png]

Haah... just my luck.

Train station just down the block, only one bathroom - and they're gonna make me jog up a flight of stairs just to grab a sandwich. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that red guy decked out with the high-end prosthetics really had it out for me when he built this place...

[Image: rolandnormal_uwrx9r.png]

Well... that's that, and this is this. I guess it isn't all bad - there actually is a saloon after all. Hah... I bet I would've looked real stupid if that wasn't the case, huh?

[Image: rolandsmile_k8c98v.png]

Well, if it's alright with the rest of you - I'll take the orange dorm.

Back in the City at least, you had to learn real quickly to make the best of a bad situation - and what's better than a short walk to a stiff drink?

[Image: rolandsigh_jjwkvk.png]

And if I'm forced somewhere else... I guess I'll go with green. Bathroom proximity never hurt. Just don't put me in purple - who'd want to sleep right next to the prison, anyway?
(Dec 21, 2024 at 12:06 AM)Roland Wrote: Just don't put me in purple - who'd want to sleep right next to the prison, anyway?

"You have worked fast. Behold, your assigned dorms."

Desert Sage Dorm
-@Not Shane
-@North Star
-@Madame Zalsarona
-@Theodore Noise
-@Hollywood Bowl (NPC)
-@Momoyo Himemushi (NPC)

Prickly Pear Dorm
-@Partitio Yellowil
-@Akira Kogami
-@Strong Bad
-@Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
-King of Clubs (@Amoeba)
-@Gyro Zeppeli
-@Reginald Fikwerther
-@Deathborn (NPC)
-@Agent Evangeline (NPC)

Century Agave Dorm
-@Marisa Kirisame
-@Neil Marshall
-@Derek Stiles
-@Kroos the Keen Glint
-@Nico Yazawa
-@Honoka Kosakatua (NPC)
-@Pohatu (NPC)

"You may trade these... for now, though once filming begins on January 3rd there will be no more reassignments."
Reginald Fikwerther
Who the hell is a Nightwheel?
[Image: grin.png]

Ah, thisss appears to be the place - I am fashionable and late, as they sssay. Filming hasn't begun yet? Then I am ssstill fashionable.

You, my darlings, may call me Cassscabela. What? No, one 'essss'. Say it with me, C-A-S-C-A-B-E-L-A. My name is not a cruel joke, your ssstrange human tongues are sssimply too difficult to ssspeak. My true name is *unintelligible hissing sounds*, but this is harder for mis amores to understand, no?

[Image: smugeyesclosed.png]

I will be gracing this filthy-...ah, quaint ssset with my presence to ensure this film succeeds. I do have a personal ssstake in the prosperity of this town, so try not to make a mess of things, yesss? Bueno.

As for my lodging, SsseƱor Bowl-

(Dec 10, 2024 at 3:27 AM)McJango Wrote: [Image: 1b08add0ca68dbcb90e6baca9dd4983497d933c7.pnj]

[Image: nervous.png]

...Which dorm is the farthest from thisss creature? Desert Sage? Sssounds lovely.

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