This post was last modified: Oct 23, 2017 at 3:32 AM by
Here are the highlights of last night:
>greet Elyk as i walk towards kitchen, but I guess he didn't recognize me as I was behaving as some kinda demonic 30s cartoon character
>see ANGIE and ARCHER_EST coming up the stairs
>while entering kitchen see MONOKUMA sharing expensive wine with DUDE, they both split up afterward with DUDE going to the courtyard and MONOKUMA going to the hallway
>get apple from kitchen
>go to courtyard; find man in yellow trenchcoat drawing an invocation on the floor and throw apple core at him
>enter library; see KOKICHI reading a book on north korea
>mind own business and get book to communicate with XGOFF
>exit library after KOKICHI cusses me out
>pass through dining room; see TURB as he enters the kitchen
>pass through hallway; broken glass everywhere on the floor
>see smoke coming out of under RON JEREMY's room as I head to my room
>go to sleep