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Post: RE: which one would you want to be in Entertainment Enterprise
bloodbending is fucked up
Post: RE: i've chosen a hill to die on this april 1st in Pragmatic Potato Presentation
bad jokes are bad jokes, but i personally enjoy there being a day dedicated to jokes
Post: RE: the antialiasing on superstar saga sprites in Pragmatic Potato Presentation
i also just enjoy crisp pixel outlines tho tbf
Post: RE: the antialiasing on superstar saga sprites in Pragmatic Potato Presentation
always hated that anti-aliasing, makes it look so shit against any background it wasnt intended for
Post: RE: holy shit in Pragmatic Potato Presentation
holy shit you arent dead
Post: RE: Do you buy physical or digital games in Entertainment Enterprise
i bought a physical edition of a game because they didnt sell merch and i wanted smth to display, even tho i wont play that physical version
Post: RE: which teen titan did you kin when you were [ag... in Pragmatic Potato Presentation
seal i think the information gained from making this thread has been a net negative experience actually
Post: RE: Original character "Rigatoni" in Arts and Crafts
i dont know him
Post: RE: Original character "Rigatoni" in Arts and Crafts
does he have a brother
Post: RE: King Shark is gay. in Recycling World
[Image:] yeah seems so
Post: RE: happy birthday spritey in Pragmatic Potato Presentation
hope u got replacement nintendo physicals
Post: RE: What time do you go to bed and wake up? in Pragmatic Potato Presentation
I sleep midnight to 9-10am most days i think
Post: RE: Happy Brrthday in Pragmatic Potato Presentation
ty everyone :D
Post: RE: secret santa gift exchange 2023. in Pragmatic Potato Presentation
yooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im so happy to see you drawing more, FWD!! i love this :)))
Post: RE: Socks in the Bathroom in Pragmatic Potato Presentation
if theres a reason to take them off in your bathroom its probably because you have bigger problems with your bathroom
Post: RE: Yrrzy's various recent furry arts in Arts and Crafts
[Image:] (twitter)