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Post: RE: Trial - Night 10 in Killing Game 8
Pierce for both. Maybe it'll stick this time, yeah?
Post: RE: [Day 10 - Investigation] - Crimson Meltdown in Killing Game 8
Which of those lighter locations have lighters similar in colour to the plastic in the vent? All of them?
Post: RE: Trial - Night 10 in Killing Game 8
Better vote right, Dr. Pierce! Would be a shame for you to die randomly in an avalanche.
Post: RE: [Day 10 - Investigation] - Crimson Meltdown in Killing Game 8
I woke Nemesis in the dorms this night, the Lazarin was gone, that ain't right. Deathborn must've been in our meeting spot, he wouldn't play traitor, so we thought. We checked the Warehouse, but he wa...
Post: RE: [Day 10 - Investigation] - Crimson Meltdown in Killing Game 8
Ewah, fact check the magic man's visions. I'd assume our murder scene is the breakroom, but I'd like to check all relevant and obvious areas for a damaged fridge door and chair with gore, or whatever ...
Post: RE: Trial - Night 9 in Killing Game 8
Obviously Chiaki ended Jack, which is really messed up. But obviously DK West killed Hank.
Post: RE: [Day 9 - Investigation] - Stolen Secrets in Killing Game 8
Ewah, lets do an experiment. Get two people to case the whole breakroom, and have a bunch of other people wander off and see how far they can travel before those first two are done.
Post: RE: [Day 9 - Investigation] - Stolen Secrets in Killing Game 8
Ewah, you're all so lazy. Check the VR Control room, the room itself (preferably without a distracting maze), the break room, the security office, Pierce's office, the room behind the painting, Garth'...
Post: RE: [Day 9 - Investigation] - Stolen Secrets in Killing Game 8
With the Grim Reaper watching, I'll "testify", but anything I say would risk the life of an ally. So I'll keep this one nice and short. I did nothing important of any sort. Ewah.
Post: RE: [Day 9 - Investigation] - Stolen Secrets in Killing Game 8
It was 291011 in case any of ya were wondering I would've picked the next day, ewah, but I'm sure Pierce knows best.
Post: RE: [Day 9 - Investigation] - Stolen Secrets in Killing Game 8
Ewah, where's Hank's head hanging out, anyway? How about we check out the elevator shaft and the elevator lobbies? Look for any blood splatter too, especially on the doors and the elevator itself. H...
Post: RE: [Day 9 - Investigation] - Stolen Secrets in Killing Game 8
DK West ain't rotten babe, this Void junk's got my body preserved nice and fresh.
Post: RE: [Night 9] - Penumbra in Killing Game 8
Post: RE: Trial - Night 8 in Killing Game 8
Honestly, I still think DK West should be president. He's got the winning smile.
Post: RE: [Day 8 - Investigation] - Crimson Eclipse in Killing Game 8
Checking the books in the panic room, seeing if the trajectory could match an the E-pass or Summer's wounds in a reasonable way.
Post: RE: Trial - Night 8 in Killing Game 8
Ewah, it's so bloody obvious. DK West is the only one who could've killed Senpai!
Post: RE: [Day 8 - Investigation] - Crimson Eclipse in Killing Game 8
Did anything fall off the patio? Obviously by accident.
Post: RE: [Day 8 - Investigation] - Crimson Eclipse in Killing Game 8
DK West, back alive again! That Morgue where I slept, wasn't a comfy inn. In the archives, I was looking around for that good stuff, but with that space-man and robot, things quickly got rough. Up to...
Post: RE: [Day 8 - Investigation] - Crimson Eclipse in Killing Game 8
Check the fountain area for a gun, and any bullets and damage they might've caused. Due diligence on DEATHBORN mentioning a gun. No hard feelings, bro! Where's the light switch in the server room, any...
Post: RE: [Day 8 - Investigation] - Crimson Eclipse in Killing Game 8
Ewah, if we're looking for mastermind motive, I'll pull out all of the files about Lazarin victims in Restricted Records and look for the ones with relatives, or extremely close acquaintances.
Post: RE: [Day 7 - Investigation] - Hu Died? in Killing Game 8
Summer ain't hanging out at the Weather Station by any chance, is she?
Post: RE: [Day 7 - Investigation] - Hu Died? in Killing Game 8
Can we tell if this invisible thing is 100% certainly the murder weapon? Anybody else's foot good enough to match both its size and the injuries?
Post: RE: [Day 7 - Investigation] - Hu Died? in Killing Game 8
Any snow outside that's obviously been displaced? Like, gathered up and taken elsewhere.
Post: RE: [Day 7 - Investigation] - Hu Died? in Killing Game 8
If the helium tank doesn't fit, would a fire extinguisher? Assuming we can find one, of course.
Post: RE: [Day 7 - Investigation] - Hu Died? in Killing Game 8
Being thorough, would a ladder fit those injuries? Still looking for one already setup to go onto the roof of this wonderful establishment, while we're at it.